Mikael Vidmark
Mikael's Interests
Are You Ready to Become a Blockchain Founder in BATTLE BULLS?

🟡 Battle Bulls is a free Play2Earn game where a FOUNDER becomes the owner of their own blockchain technology. Growth, development, networking with like-minded people, and contributing to the blockchain industry are the main goals!

📌 The mission of Battle Bulls is to empower millions of people worldwide with knowledge and skills in blockchain technology. We believe this is the future! And we are sure you do too—because you are with us!

✅ Build your own blockchain business
✅Earn game euros for EVERY action
✅ Communicate with like-minded people
✅ Learn new business skills
✅ Convert game euros into REAL tokens
✅ Receive DAILY rewards from liquidity pools

🟡We have united and motivated millions of people around the world to grow! Thank you to each one of you, founders, for being part of this community.

📢 Är du redo att bli en Blockchain-grundare i BATTLE BULLS?

🟡 Battle Bulls är ett gratis Play2Earn-spel där en Founder blir ägare till sin egen blockkedjeteknologi. Tillväxt, utveckling, nätverkande med likasinnade, och att bidra till blockkedjebranschen är huvudmålen!

📌 Uppdraget för Battle Bulls är att stärka miljontals människor världen över med kunskap och färdigheter inom blockkedjeteknologi. Vi tror att detta är framtiden! Och vi är säkra på att du också gör det - för du är med oss!

✅ Bygg ditt eget blockkedjeföretag
✅Tjäna spel euro för ALLA action
✅ Kommunicera med likasinnade
✅ Lär dig nya affärskunskaper
✅ Konvertera spel euro till RIKTIGA tokens
✅ Få DAGLIGA belöningar från likviditetspooler

🟡Vi har enat och motiverat miljontals människor runt om i världen att växa! Tack till var och en av er grundare för att ni är en del av denna community.



Mikael's Team
Mikael is not in a team

  • Mikael's Blog

  • Jul 24th 2024 at 1:05 AM
    The 5 golden rules in crypto market!

    If we follow this rules, then we are winners in the crypto market.
    Watch this video: https://youtu.be/rFdfFvJqNiY

    1 comments - add a comment
  • Jul 24th 2024 at 12:28 AM
    Staking,Mining and Splitting

    Staking, Mining, Splitting: What are the Differences and What You Need to Know
    🔹 Every crypto enthusiast has likely heard of terms like mining and staking. But blockchain technologies are evolving and now offer much more, namely, splitting, the latest technology combining the best of mining and staking.

    Let’s see why:

    ▶️ Mining is a process of creating new blocks in the blockchain by solving extremely complex mathematical problems. When a problem is solved, a miner receives a predetermined reward. Today, mining involves:

    📛 High entry barrier — costs for equipment and energy for mining.
    📛 Increasing mining difficulty — the more miners there are, the harder it is to mine a block and get a reward.
    📛 Centralization of mining — major companies like Marathon Digital Holdings already control a large part of Bitcoin mining.
    📛 Regulation and legislation — mining is restricted or even banned in some countries.

    ▶️ Staking is a process when users freeze cryptocurrency in their wallets to support the blockchain's operation. In return, they get rewards. However, its drawbacks include:

    📛 Technical skills — understanding basic blockchain technology terms is crucial.
    📛 Lower liquidity — when you freeze tokens, you can't use them.
    📛 Rising inflation — the constant creation of new tokens for rewards can lead to inflation or a decrease in token value.
    📛 Uncertain rewards — rewards will vary depending on the number of locked tokens and network conditions.

    ▶️ Splitting is an innovative technology that combines the best aspects of mining and staking. By providing liquidity to pools, users get rewards in ULTIMA tokens. Splitting advantages are:

    ✅ No special knowledge required — the technology is simple and understandable even for a beginner crypto enthusiast.
    ✅ Low entry barrier — splitting does not require expensive equipment; all you need is a smartphone and the SMART WALLET installed.
    ✅ Potentially high profit — the earlier a user joins the pool and the more splits they have, the higher their rewards in ULTIMA.
    ✅ Transparency and security — all transactions are under strict control by the block explorer, smartexplorer.com. The secure SMART WALLET allows setting a passphrase or using the cold wallet SMART DEFENDER.

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  • Jul 23rd 2024 at 5:01 AM
    Ultimas new and unique technology!

    🤑 Splitting — Ultima's Flagship Blockchain Technology of the Future

    🔹 Splitting allows users to interact directly with the blockchain and get daily rewards in the ULTIMA token for providing liquidity to pools.

    🔹 The technology is successfully used by nearly three million members of the Ultima community, who request rewards in the ecosystem's main token daily, regardless of the crypto market situation.

    🔹 Watch the video to learn more about the technology:

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  • Jul 17th 2024 at 2:18 PM

    🟧 Fantastic news, founders! Now you can EARN game currency and INCREASE your EARN-PER-HOUR balance, even while OFFLINE!
    Why is this important?
    🟧 The airdrop will be available from the EARN-PER-HOUR balance! This means your goal is to CONTINUALLY INCREASE it! This will determine HOW MANY tokens you will receive during the airdrop! 🔥

    Here are the details:

    Select any cards available at your level: Technology, Lifestyle, Business, to earn profits EVEN OFFLINE!

    Remember, AFTER 3 hours, you need to LOG BACK INTO THE GAME and COLLECT your earned game euros! After the airdrop from the earn-per-hour balance, the card will stop generating profit until you move to the next level!

    Cooldown is the period after which you CAN UPGRADE your card and consequently increase your hourly earnings!

    HOW CARDS WORK IN BATTLE BULLS — read here (https://pool-octave-8eb.notion.site/Mine-Section-in-Battle-Bulls-591086d1ff2e4e16b01b1ecb9379033f)

    🟧 Don’t waste a minute before the AIRDROP on August 1st, and start INCREASING your balance TODAY! 🔥🔥🔥


    #battle_games #battlebulls #crypto #clicker #game #p2e #bulls #btc #play2earn

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  • Jul 8th 2024 at 7:57 AM
    Nu kör vi!

    Hej på er!
    Vad säger man? Woow!!

    En miljon aktiva spelare bara efter 10 dagar är ju helt otroligt häftigt.

    Battle Bulls, utan tvekan det SNABBAST VÄXANDE Play2Earn-spelet på Telegram!

    🔥 Kärnfunktionerna i Battle Bulls fungerar nu fullt ut!

    ✅ Tryck för att tjäna
    Gör dig redo att knacka på din tjur och tjäna speleuro för det!

    ⚡️ Energigräns
    Varje grundare börjar med 1 000 enheter energi. Varje tryck på tjuren förbrukar 1 energi och tjänar 1 speleuro!

    💶 Dagliga belöningar
    Allt du behöver göra, är att öppna boten VARJE DAG och TA din belöning!

    🟧Vi är spända och väntar på lanseringen 1 Aug!

    Är du med oss? ⚡️⚡️⚡️


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  • Jul 5th 2024 at 6:02 AM
    BattleBulls Pre-Launch!

    1.000.000 active players in 10 days already registered.

    Register before the 12/7 and you will now get 4.000.000 Game Euros in bonus.

    Hurry up now to register today. Do Not Miss It.

    !!!First part of the game already working now!!!


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  • Jul 2nd 2024 at 1:21 PM
    600.000 Players already!

    🏆600.000 + active BATTLE BULLS players

    🟧Dear founders, we are growing extremely fast. 600,000 players have already joined the game in just a week, and this number continues to rise! 🔥

    🟧You are one of the first! Remember to invite friends. More invites — more rewards 🪙

    ✅Invite a friend with a regular Telegram account. You and your friend both will receive 5,000 🪙

    ✅Invite a friend with Telegram Premium. You and your friend both will receive 25,000 🪙

    🟧Remember that there’s an airdrop on August 1st, and you will be able to convert game euros into real tokens! 🚀
    Do not forget about the promo code:BOOSTER
    This will give you a huge pre-launch advantage.


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  • Jul 1st 2024 at 10:13 AM
    Battle Bulls

    Hello, and welcome to Battle Bulls!
    Battle Bulls is a FREE mobile PLAY-2-EARN game. As a founder, you can build a virtual blockchain business and earn in-game coins, which can be converted into real tokens for withdrawal on August 1.
    You have come at the perfect time! Only during the pre-launch you can get exclusive access and promo code BOOSTER of up to €4,000,000 in the game!
    Click, win battles, and level up your hero and your in-game passive income!
    Invite your friends and subscribe to Battle Bulls channels.
    Play now, FOUNDER 🔔🎉

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  • Jun 4th 2024 at 4:32 PM
    Crypto knowledge

    ➡️ Criteria for Choosing a Crypto Project: What to Look For?

    🔹 Choosing a cryptocurrency project is an important process that requires analysis, responsibility, and attention to detail.

    🔹 Key considerations:

    ☑️ Project team. When evaluating a project, always consider the qualifications and experience of the team. It's important to know who is behind the project. If the team is not anonymous, it is a very good sign of the project's transparency.

    ☑️ Whitepaper — this document outlines the team's roadmap, plans, technical details, and other important information about the project.

    ☑️ Technology and infrastructure — understand and assess the uniqueness and innovativeness of the solution proposed by the team. Also, consider how promising the created technologies are for the future.

    ☑️ Security and transparency — these are some of the most important factors to consider. Find out if the team has conducted an audit—a thorough examination of the blockchain code to identify vulnerabilities—and which company conducted it. Check how secure and transparent the data is.

    ☑️ Tokenomics — learn about the total token supply of the project, what steps the team will take to increase the token's value, and determine whether the token is inflationary, deflationary, or hyperddeflationary.

    ☑️ Project goals and vision — a key component. The team should have a clear understanding of the final product they are aiming for and what issues and needs this product will address.

    ☑️ Active community and media presence — study how active and large the project's community is. A positive sign is the project's presence on social networks and media, indicating that the project is open and sharing its technologies with the world.


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  • May 10th 2024 at 8:14 AM

    Have you ever wondered how people make money online?
    Well... when you join CashJuice you'll find a simple 3 step plan that anyone can follow.
    There's no magic, no hype and you don't have to pay, it's completely free!

    Simple click on the link below and get started in 5 minutes.


    Good Luck!

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  • May 10th 2024 at 6:30 AM
    Daily Rewards

    🔹 The PREMIUM pool with PREMIUM split contracts opens access to unlimited rewards in ULTIMA! Just one PREMIUM split contract includes both a license and a contract.

    Key features:

    ☑️ By entering into a PREMIUM split contract, you will be able to receive ULTIMA directly into your wallet from the PREMIUM pool for storing PSP tokens!
    ☑️ There are 12 types of contracts available, ranging from Light to Ultima.
    ☑️ Exactly 25.92 ULTIMA will be distributed daily by the PREMIUM pool among all PSP token holders.
    ☑️ The halving of ULTIMA, or reduction of rewards from the PREMIUM pool after reaching 20,000,000 blocks, will occur every 5,000,000 blocks – approximately every six months.
    ☑️ Opportunity to connect to splitting 2.0 — a special pool for the redemption of splits. Any user can return their splits at any time and reclaim their provided liquidity in ULTIMA.
    ☑️ Withdrawals of PSP tokens will start on June 1, 2024.

    🔹 The PREMIUM pool gives every community member the chance to receive even more daily rewards in ULTIMA! See for yourself
    ➡️ defiu.com

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  • May 10th 2024 at 6:26 AM

    Splitting is a hybrid from mining and staking

    🌐 Video Tutorials: Everything You Need to Know About DeFi-U

    🔹 The innovative DeFi-U product from the ULTIMA team has gained the trust and interest of tens of thousands of users! This technology allows you to interact directly with blockchain technology and get rewards in ULTIMA from liquidity pools.

    🔹 For your convenience, check out the playlist on the ULTIMA YouTube channel with all the important videos about the DeFiU.com product and the SMART WALLET crypto wallet.

    ➡️ DeFi-U Playlist (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5OGRNXjVz173aknP41J2xywpOHZ4ThQ7)

    ➡️ SMART WALLET Playlist (https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5OGRNXjVz17gFtD5LPu-ujQ-TXHC9RWL&si=QgI7x-QSNtuvGqBk)

    Join here:

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  • May 10th 2024 at 6:15 AM

    🤑 Ultima is an ultimate cryptocurrency that changes the lives of people around the world for the better

    🔹 Let us introduce ULTIMA, a digital currency powered by blockchain technology. With its help, everyone can discover the limitless possibilities of blockchain technologies for themselves!

    🔹 The main goal of Ultima is to simplify the interaction of people with cryptocurrencies and blur the lines between the fiat world and cryptocurrencies! The community of our ecosystem unites almost 3 million crypto enthusiasts worldwide.

    🔥 ULTIMA is an infrastructure token based on the SMART BLOCKCHAIN that changes the traditional notion of digital currencies:

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Mikael's RSS Feed
The 5 golden rules in crypto market!
Jul 24th 2024 at 1:05 AM
Staking,Mining and Splitting
Jul 24th 2024 at 12:28 AM
Ultimas new and unique technology!
Jul 23rd 2024 at 5:01 AM
Jul 17th 2024 at 2:18 PM
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