You are amazing in case you need a reminder
You get no do-overs with this thing called life. It's either now or never
At the end of the day, real situations expose fake people
An investment in knowledge pays the best interest
People are so temporary nowadays. I don't even store phone numbers anymore
The best way to learn to appreciate something is to go without it for awhile
Strive for progress not perfection
When you start to doubt yourself, think of all the people that believe in you
Most people are making excuses
Thank your past for the experience and lessons learned and tell your future let's do this!
If your friends don't motivate and inspire you, you're choosing them all wrong
When you feed your faith, your fears begin to starve to death
You can't force people to stay in your life. Staying is a choice so be thankful for the people that choose you
The only thing I'm committed to right now is bettering myself...spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally
Not everyone you started with will finish with you
Every next level of your life will demand a different you #thoughtsbytina
Being kind to yourself in thoughts, words and deeds is just as important as being kind to others #thoughtsbytina
The more you approve of yourself the less approval you need from others #thoughtsbytina
For every excuse you make, there is someone overcoming that situation #thoughtsbytina
What you give power to has power over you if you allow it #thoughtsbytina
The less you respond to negativity the more peaceful your life becomes #thoughtsbytina
Do what the better version of yourself would do
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