Dorin Amariuta
Dorin's Interests
-Issac Asimov's works;
-70-80-90 music;
-domain names;
-money online.

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| My Blog #2| Kick Migraine Off|About Cancer - A to Z|

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Dorin's Team
Dorin (09acd) is the team leader of Dors team

  • Dorin's Blog

  • Jan 18th 2024 at 3:01 PM
    Please do not spam by adding comments

    If you want to post comments on my blog posts please obey these rules:

    1. Only friends are allowed to post comments on my posts.
    2. Posts must be in good English, make sense and be related to the topic.
    3. No illegal websites.

    Comments not following these rules will be deleted at once.

    1 comments - add a comment
  • 220 Principles High Performance Individuals Use to Create Unstoppable Wealth

    Free download here

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  • Jan 28th 2024 at 11:30 AM
    Start a New Affiliate Earnings Campaign

    Join this very new website to open a new earnings line.

    2 comments - add a comment
  • Get the $5 System - ZERO Guesswork Affiliate Marketing

    Your firstname:


    Your email address:

    Your privacy is safe. We will never pass your email address to a 3rd party
    and you may opt-out at any time.

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  • Jan 18th 2024 at 3:09 PM
    $5 Affiliate System - FREE For Friends

    If you want to start a new system to make money, I can help. Go the link below, buy the system for $5 and get:
    -250,000 free banner impressions;
    -your free autoresponder loaded with 5 messages - free URL.

    Get The System Here

    add a comment
  • Email List Management Secrets - download this for free to learn secrets on how to manage your email list.

    The product contains a PDF file and 15 audio files to make it easier for anyone to learn the secrets.

    Read more (free PDF download)

    17 comments - add a comment
  • Nov 28th 2023 at 11:09 AM
    6 Things to Do to Reduce Migraines

    Real causes of migraine are not known yet, despite the fact research have been conducted in this field. This is why there is no medical treatment for migraines.

    Still, there are a number of things read more here...

    7 comments - add a comment
  • It’s hard to stick to a diet. You have so much to deal with. Hunger and cravings, not to mention expense, all come to mind when you think of the word diet. But the truth is, all that expensive diet food is really harming you. It’s usually over-processed to the point that your body probably doesn’t even know it’s food. It cannot digest it, and you have stomach issues, heartburn, and click here to read more...

    16 comments - add a comment
  • Oct 10th 2023 at 11:58 AM
    Free Nano (XNO)

    Nano is a crypto with very fast transfer and no fees.
    Get a FREE Nano (XNO) Wallet.

    You can learn more and get some free Nano here. Also you can play games and use some faucets.

    3 comments - add a comment
  • Sep 17th 2023 at 3:00 PM
    New site just opened

    I just opened a new website.
    Join now to get paid $10 for every Pro referral (your referral will pay YOU!), get 500k banner impressions and 100k text ad impressions!

    Join HERE!

    32 comments - add a comment
  • May 28th 2023 at 12:03 PM
    My new viral advertising website

    I just started a new viral advertising website. Join now and enjoy viral advertising, commissions on 5 levels and more.

    Cool opening offer: get 10k banner impressions for free!! Just go to Advertising and add your 468x60 banner. Use hfh2023 as password. I will approve your banner for free - limited to 5 users.

    1 comments - add a comment
  • Apr 14th 2023 at 11:42 AM
    TheSoloList - back to life

    I was at the point of trying to sell this one, but I changed my mind. I want to put it back on tracks. It's not a modern site, but it works great - it's a hybrid - a mailer and a surf on one site. Join me and enjoy banner advertising, text ads, surfing, sending emails to other members. A referral contest and a top promoter contest are in place for now too.

    14 comments - add a comment
  • Mar 25th 2023 at 4:36 AM
    10 Tips to Overcome Public Speaking Fear

    Have a fear of speaking in public? Learn 10 tips to overcome this fear - free download - click here.

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  • Feb 2nd 2023 at 12:27 PM
    What are you scared of?

    What are you scared of?

    Everybody has some fears and worries – as humans, we’re programmed to feel fear as a natural response to threats in order to protect and look after ourselves.

    But, what happens when your fears begin to take over?
    Don't let fear control you!

    Learn more by reading this ebook.

    1 comments - add a comment
  • Jan 27th 2023 at 5:07 AM
    The Ultimate Salesman

    The Ultimate Salesman free report - download now free.

    Table of content

    • Introduction to the ultimate Salesman
    • Having a Positive Attitude
    • Starting conversation with the Customer
    • How to read the customer
    • When and how to ask to buy
    • Creating want in the customer
    • Gaining commitment
    • How to overcome objection
    • Taking control

    download now free.

    1 comments - add a comment
  • It can be hard to be confident and decisive when we don’t feel like we fit into a certain bucket or don’t have all the answers. However, being confident and decisive doesn’t require knowing everything or being perfect. Instead, it’s about being comfortable in your skin, doing what feels natural, and trusting your gut. Never forget that. 

    When it comes to confidence and decision-making, sometimes we all feel like we don’t quite fit in. Maybe we’re not sure if we have the “right” stuff. Maybe we just don’t feel confident in our abilities...

    Want to read more? Download FREE Report:
    How to Become Super Confident and Decisive in Life

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