MihailCiprian Vasiliu
MihailCiprian's Interests

MihailCiprian's Team
MihailCiprian (CiprianV57) is the team leader of The Cats Surfers

  • MihailCiprian's Blog

  • Aug 12th 2024 at 12:15 AM
    Happy Birthday The Cats Surfers !!

    Hi Team,

    Maybe the title of this message seems strange to you, so I will try to clarify the situation in what follows. 3 years ago, at the beginning of August, I returned to Hungry For Hits and laid the foundations of this team. The first full week started on August 9, so now we can say that "The Cats Surfers" has turned 3 years old.

    Three years in which we had everything - joys and deep disappointments, spectacular successes and unexpected falls, sad partings but also comebacks that made me happy. A whole amalgam of feelings and events, some pleasant, others less so, but which are now making history for this team.
    It's been 157 weeks since this team existed, through which many surfers have passed but in which they can never be more than 10. And you, those who are now, form one of the most competitive teams that has been during these 3 years . And for that I thank you and offer each of you a reward of 5000 credits.

    Without wanting to single out anyone, I must mention the oldest members of the team - Kat who was with me from the first week and Balin who came in the 2nd (both with a period in which they have were away, but then came back), Tom who came in the 11th week, Rene from the 15th, Dolly who arrived in the team in the 30th week and Mario in the 59th week.

    The path was not an easy one. It took a lot of work, but only in the 15th week after the formation of the team we reached the first place, where we stayed for 5 weeks. After two weeks on the 2nd place, we climbed back to the first place for another 7 weeks when, due to a syncope, we fell to the 2nd place again for a week. We came back much more motivated and since the end of February - beginning of March 2022 we have not lost first place. I think it would be nice and fair to also mention those who contributed significantly to these results, even if for various reasons they decided to leave the team at some point. And I'm talking about Gillian, Brian (brisr), Jeff (wyldchild) or Steven (sisobe). And of course thanks to those who came more recently, John - week 129, Valentin and Tiago who came 3 weeks ago.

    Teamwork was decisive for this long streak of victories (I remind you, we have 128 consecutive).
    Let's work together to win together
    Happy Surfing

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  • Feb 26th 2024 at 2:50 AM
    Two years of invincibility!!

    Hi Team,

    If someone had told me two years ago that from then on our team would always be in first place, I would have been a little skeptical. This is because in H4H the competition is quite tough, with surfers who work constantly and quite a lot, and then you should have had a high-performing team to achieve this.

    And yet, here we are now reaching this milestone, which at the time would have seemed difficult to achieve. Yes, we have two years of invincibility.
    How did it get here? Through a lot of work, through the dedication and ambition of many surfers who, over time, were part of the team. And if after the unpleasant episode when we fell to the 2nd place (and which I reminded you about in the previous message) there were a few weeks when we did not manage to distance ourselves very much from those in the 2nd place (at that time we " we were fighting" with "Wonkru") and we had very small advances (216 points in the first week, 306 in the second or 368 in the fourth), later we took our role seriously and created bigger advances.

    Only in 11 weeks the advance was below 1500, another 15 with less than 2000, so that in 30 weeks the advance was up to 2500. We even had better weeks (18 in which we made between 2500 - 3000 points more than the 2nd place, 24 with gains over 3000 and two super differences - 4000 in week 52 and 4273 in week 54).
    There were three teams with whom we "fought" in these 2 years. There were those from "Wonkru" in the first 19 weeks (after which this team was "lost", and from week 23 it was no longer in the Top 5). It was followed by "The Dream Team" with whom we had to deal with for 30 consecutive weeks and then sporadic episodes, when they were fighting with "Champions" for the 2nd place. And, of course, our current opponents "Champions", with whom we fight since almost half a year.

    During all this time, we have managed to stay in first place and show week after week that we are something better than the others. So let's continue our activity as we know how to do it, let's not click just because we got bored of surfing. Let's keep the others at a distance and keep collecting more victories. The first place has been ours for 2 years, why not continue it like this?

    Happy Surfing

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  • Feb 27th 2023 at 12:43 AM
    A year on top!

    Hi Team,

    We have been in first place for a whole year. A year sprinkled with many joys but also with ambition, hopes, uncertainties and worries sometimes. A year in which we demonstrated unity, team spirit and put in a lot of effort. I congratulate you all for this success and I wish you continued work and many successes. And because your effort deserves to be rewarded, this time each member of the team will receive 5000 credits.

    A year later, it is worth reminding you, perhaps, of some more important moments. Before starting this period of invincibility, our team managed to place in first place twice. The first time we stayed for 5 weeks (at that time we were fighting with "Surfing Dynamics"), and the fight was extremely tight (we were winning with 2-400 points in advance). We fell to the 2nd place for two weeks in the condition that we made 9595 points (yes, you read that right!), but they also worked 10452!! But then we recovered and climbed to first place for another 7 weeks. In the last week of this series, Wonkru "exploded" and they came to less than 400 new points. Then the inevitable happened. They scored 10,255 points, we didn't recover and fell again, but only for a week. We recovered immediately and after a few weeks of shoulder-to-shoulder fighting (with only a few hundred points ahead) we started to win more detachedly. After "Wonkru" was lost, "The Dream Team" grew a lot, but it no longer demonstrated the determination of the other teams we had to fight with. In just two weeks out of the more than 30 in which we fought with them, they managed to get 1000 points closer to us.
    I would also like to mention here the most active surfers in the team - those who throughout this year were in first place in the team. Seconded, the first was Gillian who in the 39 weeks she was with us finished first 24 times. Next is Mario, who has been in the team for 22 weeks and has finished first 13 times. Balin was also in first place - 6 times, Brian - 4 times, Rene and Tom - 2 times each and Alexander once.
    All of you have done an exemplary job and deserve congratulations, and the highlighting I made does not in any way destroy the work of each of you. It is a statistic that I considered necessary to make as a reminder.

    Returning to the current situation, I must note your ambition this week. We finish with over 8700 accumulated points, over 4000 points more than the 2nd place, now occupied by "GeNxT Chasers!"

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  • Feb 16th 2020 at 7:57 PM
    Paid, at last!

    After more than 2 days from her last message, Marty send me my commissions. At last!
    Was an unpleasant experience who convinced me to delete my account in "Advertising For Today". I will never join to other site of Marty Petrizza!

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  • Feb 16th 2020 at 10:08 AM
    Marty don't pay

    Paid attention with Marty Petrizza and her sites! She don't pay. I have problems with she in "Advertising For Today"

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  • 3 weeks ago I ask for my cash out in "Advertising For Today".
    Because there we don't have a cash out option I send a Support ticket:

    Advertising For Today Support

    Ticket ID # 567

    Userid : CiprianV57
    Name : Mihail Ciprian Vasiliu
    Email : ciprian57v@gmail.com
    Subject : Send my commission
    Message : Hi,

    I have more than $15 in commission.
    Please make my payment to my bitcoin address:


    Date And Time
    Submitted : 2020-01-20 17:47:45
    Ticket Status : Open

    - First answer from Marty, first postponement:

    Userid : admin
    Message : HI Ciprian

    we will get it done this week :)

    cash payments for just clicking are only paid out thru upgraded
    members so I will have to deduct $5 to upgrade you before I can send
    the cash payment unless these are commissions you earned by referral
    purchases,, Ill check

    Date And Time
    Submitted : 2020-01-21 15:23:20

    - Stupid reasons to not make the payment.
    And unjustified:

    Userid : CiprianV57
    Message : Hi Marty,

    Is not necessary to deduct $5 from my commission. I am Life Time
    Upgrade. In every page of my account is this message:

    You are a Level 1 member with 6915 credits
    You have a Lifetime upgraded membership
    Verified Members: 654

    I buy this upgrade in November 2018:

    Free to level 1 $20.00 Fri, 30 Nov 2018 23:39:03 coinpayments

    I have $15.86.
    I'll wait my payment.
    Date And Time
    Submitted : 2020-01-21 17:31:16

    -Second answer without a solve solution, just with the confirmation that I am right:

    Userid : admin
    Message : HI

    yes I see :) sorry I had not checked before I was giving you the new
    rules for 2020

    Date And Time
    Submitted : 2020-01-22 12:15:02

    -So, I wait again to receive my money. After more than a week I ask what is happened:

    Userid : CiprianV57
    Message : Hi Marty,

    I don't receive my money yet, although you told that you will send
    still last week.
    What is happened?

    Date And Time
    Submitted : 2020-01-31 19:30:44

    - Third answer with a new promise : Monday!!

    Userid : admin
    Message : HI

    sorry will check on this monday

    my sister passed away unexpectedly and funeral was this weekend

    Date And Time
    Submitted : 2020-02-02 08:21:57

    -Of course, without sent any money:

    Userid : CiprianV57
    Message : Hi Marty,

    I don't receive my money yet.
    You told me that I'll get them on Monday.
    Today is Wednesday.

    Date And Time
    Submitted : 2020-02-05 04:16:20

    -The answer (no 4) come quickly and then I think that the problem will be solved:

    Userid : admin
    Message : yes sorry

    my sister passed away last friday unexpectedly and put a lot on my plate

    trying to catch up and get thru it

    will get this to you shortly

    Date And Time
    Submitted : 2020-02-05 10:34:15

    - It seems that I am wrong.
    So, I ask her what means "shortly":

    Userid : CiprianV57
    Message : Hi Marty,

    Another week passed.
    I don't receive my money yet.
    What means "shortly" for you?


    P.S. Please send urgently my money.
    Date And Time
    Submitted : 2020-02-12 02:23:31

    - Answer no 5. NO COMMENT!!
    Just really shock me:

    Userid : admin
    Message : Ok
    I am doing all payments that are showing up but you are not because
    you have NO payment option that I see

    I do not have paypal or skrill

    it must be oru, uphold or coins if you are out of US

    if you are in US we can also do zelle and googlepay

    thanks! Please if you are unhappy with service you may delete your account

    It has been a very trying time for me with my sisters death and I know
    I need to pay people and do not need my members hassling me rudely

    Date And Time
    Submitted : 2020-02-13 09:59:51

    -In her opinion I must delete my account unless to ask for my money.
    I keep my calm and I try however a peaceful solution:

    Userid : CiprianV57
    Message : Hi Marty,

    I send you again my first message:

    "Userid : CiprianV57
    Name : Mihail Ciprian Vasiliu
    Email : ciprian57v@gmail.com
    Subject : Send my commission
    Message : Hi,

    I have more than $15 in commission.
    Please make my payment to my bitcoin address:


    Date And Time
    Submitted : 2020-01-20 17:47:45"

    As you see have there my bitcoin address. I send this to you from Jan 20.

    You must make something with "Profile" pages in site because there
    wasn't any option for cash out. Only "pay pal address", no other

    I think till now I was enough calm and kind. It not need to hurt me.
    Is impolitely to do this from you.

    Hope to find a quick and peaceful solution,

    Date And Time
    Submitted : 2020-02-13 13:03:51

    -And answer 6 come. A new expectation of solving this problem:

    Userid : admin
    Message : HI

    ok got it in and will get it done today

    Date And Time
    Submitted : 2020-02-14 10:16:06

    -It was on Valentine's Day. I must receive my money "TODAY", as she write in her message.
    There are 2 days from then and I don't receive any money, yet!

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MihailCiprian's RSS Feed
Happy Birthday The Cats Surfers !!
Aug 12th 2024 at 12:15 AM
Two years of invincibility!!
Feb 26th 2024 at 2:50 AM
A year on top!
Feb 27th 2023 at 12:43 AM
Paid, at last!
Feb 16th 2020 at 7:57 PM
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