Every network marketing person I talk to tells me they want results. Makes sense. We wall want results in our network marketing business. Sadly, far too many of us don’t the steps required for getting MLM results.
I want to break down for you the 3 steps I believe every one of us should be taking if we want to be serious about getting MLM results.
Ready to learn the steps?
Train Your Mind.
Skip this step and none of the other steps will matter. If you are serious about getting MLM results, you absolutely MUST get your mind right. How do I do this? I attend online and offline training events to increase my knowledge of my company and the industry.
I read books by and about other successful people. These stories can include people involved with network marketing and people not involved with network marketing. It’s about getting my mind in line with the way other successful people think.
There will be tough times. There will be distractions. There will be setbacks. This is why you MUST train your mind to stay focused on your goals and the processes that lead to success. Without this step, nothing else will help you.
How do you spot someone with a mind trained for success? They aren’t complaining. They aren’t jumping from one program to another. They aren’t making excuses. They are attending webinars. They are reading personal development books. They are constantly learning and contributing.
List Building.
I use free and paid traffic resources, advertising resources, traffic exchanges, social media, etc… to constantly build my list of prospects who are LOOKING FOR the kind of information I offer.
This is why I do not have to chase down friends and family. The people I talk to are people who WANT to know more and have requested information. A targeted prospect list is an incredibly valuable business asset and should never be overlooked. How do I build my list? All of my advertising and posts direct visitors to my capture page where they can request more information.
When they fill out the form, they are added to my list for follow up and they get the requested information. This happens 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
By the time I hear from them, they have typically seen my videos, read my information, and have a few questions. This makes it much easier to talk to them AND helps to disqualify those who are not serious.
This is a HUGE part of getting MLM results, no matter what business you are involved with.
Content Creation.
When I write articles for my blogs, I will typically focus my content on how to solve a problem. The content may be about helping businesses use email marketing to grow, helping network marketing professionals learn how to generate online leads, and other related topics.
The articles are designed to answer questions and provide solutions. Most of the time, my articles will also include an option for visitors to request more information by filling out a form.
This takes us back to Step 2. Along the way, I get to meet new people, make new contacts, even make new friends and build my lists. This helps build credibility and good rapport. That leads to sales. Not everybody who reads my content wants to do business with me. But some do. And that is when the fun starts all over again!
Take the time to train your mind, build your lists, and create value in the market place. You will find that you can switch your focus and start getting MLM results in your business that will last for years to come.
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