Lyle Alexander
Altus, Oklahoma, United States
Lyle's Interests
Serving God.
Building Business.
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  • Lyle's Blog

  • DON’T LOSE OUT on positioning by sitting this aside or Ignoring It….
    TAKE ACTION Right Now! I EXPECT 100% SIGNUPS from this letter (I do direct mail this and also share online with blogs).
    That means You! LOOK! This is a NO BRAINER. You are one of MANY opening this letter from me today and this week and the days to come highlighting the Touchstone Success Network Opportunity. I mail constantly. Look, a forced 3x5 matrix is only 363 people. I constantly mail letters. So get in, Pay your $35 and then take immediate action like I am and sign up hundreds like I am going to do. Your break even point with fast start pay is 2 personals for a month’s participation. Your break even point with monthly pay is 9 people in your group, no matter who gets them, you, me, the company, the people I get, and the people you get, and the people they get. In my personal business plan, I am setting aside 20% of all income for more mailings, no matter how many new mailings that will be. I am mailing out to known associates, reverse mailings, and to leads lists like Wilson’s List. I also include the Postage Stamp Flyers and cash offers to get free mailings and extra cash too. Join one or more of those with me. There is no doubt we will force fill matrixes. I expect 100% participation in signing up and going to work promoting this. I and we are doing our part and you too do your part and together we will build strong monthly residual income checks. NEVER STOP. Yes this is a 3x5 forced filled matrix but it is expandable when one fills up the 3x5 and then sponsors the next personal, a new leg is started, for that person, expanding the matrix to a 4x5 and then it goes on to infinity width as you fill legs. There are no limits to what you can earn with this business plan, both from your personal expansion in width and from any in your group that fills their 3x5 matrix and expands with the next personal. My personal one day sponsoring record in all my years in business is 19 people in one day. I am going to break it with the business plan I am rolling out with this letter and also with online promotions. There are no limits. In my networking career, I once sponsored someone that put in 289 people in business in one day. See what I mean?

    Is your Financial Freedom and Time Freedom WORTH IT to Take a Leap of Faith for 83 1/3 cents a day ($25 a month) and then sharing this business for your Financial and Time Freedom?

    What would you do with all the residual income? See the Big Picture? Come Along with us RIGHT NOW!

    Sincerely, Lyle P.S. If calling, LEAVE A MESSAGE or text me and I will return Call/Text

    (580) 471-3736

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