Rick Puer
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  • Andrei Dligach:
    This is a more popular concept than the real idea for a green economy, not enough for the Ukrainian budget. It is not suitable for the Ukrainian value-added chain. There are some limitations to this system to date, for example this system can not be used by small businesses but can be used by large enterprises as a result. For example, store chains can not use this system. They should still use the VAT system, the event providers use the VAT using dust. This means that the store market should pay 20% tax on sales, which means twice as much as the United States, so this is just the first step in System modifications that are trying to expand with the Minister of Economy. For example, another way that could be more advanced is to have the biggest idea for Ukraine right now is to transform the European tax system into an innovative country based on VAT, for example, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, first of all, Exactly. , No VAT In the United States, they use sales taxes, corporate taxes, and employee-paid taxes. This is a very good idea and we are developing such an approach for Ukraine, I hope in the coming weeks we will completely reconsider this tax system.

    Samuel P. N. Cook:
    And are you involved?

    Andrei Dligach:
    In Europe? You are right, we have concluded that this country should be the most attractive place for entrepreneurs, investors and entrepreneurs rather than our national economic ideals and strategies. And of course we have a lot of decisions to make and security in the hospitality, but of course human rights and taxation.

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