Hello, everyone! :-)
What I bring to you today is really Magical!
I like Traffic Exchanges and they are indeed a valuable way to promote yourself and your programs. However, I don’t have much time to surf and there are so many good ones that sometimes I feel lost and it’s hard to have a criteria to decide which ones to surf.
So, I bring you a great strategy that will help you to decide which TEs to choose to surf and use to promote effectively your programs. And guess what? You can win wonderful prizes doing it!
Lets learn how.
The first thing to do is to join one of the best Downline Builders you can find out there in Internet Marketing.
Magical Journey Downline Builder
MJDB is a part of Dewayne Goodwin TE Empire!
Where is the Magic here?
MJDB has wonderful events and parties where you can participate and take advantage of the big exposure it implicates and become highly rewarded at same time!
For example, if you surf everyday Diamond sites you will be qualified for a weekly draw where you can be awarded. Two members will be. If you surf them all everyday the chance to get a prize will be clearly higher!
To get the list of Diamond Sites, click the picture below:
Another good way to get your ads seen is by surfing along the week the TEs that participate in Prize Page Hunt. Just login MJDB and check which ones are participating each day, then surf around 127 pages until you find the Prize Page and claim it. Everyday someone wins so it can be YOU!
MJDB also have Parties and Big Events and some of them are really BIG! Check it often and put your fingers working for you!
Now, can you see why MJDB is an excellent criteria for you to decide which TEs to surf?
This way you can use all these sites to promote your programs and meanwhile you can get very good prizes. It’s easy to understand that if it’s running an event many members will try to win and your sites will get more hits those days, right? It’s a win-win situation!
So, don't waste more time and give a boost to your advertising and... to your wallet too! ;-)
If you have any question about Prizes, please find me on Skype (Manuela_netswim31) and I will give all the help you may need!
Thanks for reading and God Bless you all!
Dec 11th 2021 at 8:55 PM by Ken Wolff Very nice post and good advice Manuela! |
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