Steve McCarthy
United Kingdom
Steve's Interests
Real Ale - CAMRA (campaign for real ale) Member and Festival Volunteer
Sports - American Football, Basketball, Ice Hockey, Baseball, Football
Crypto Collector and Trader
Steve's Team
Steve (Stevermac1966) is a member of the ePayTraffic team

  • Steve's Blog

  • Jan 12th 2023 at 5:23 AM
    Tip Of The Day

    4th place for Lady Nagin yesterday

    Next up we are going with

    Mabre in the 7.30 @ Chelmsford
    1pt Win @ odds of 9/4 returning £0.33

    See the full post here

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  • Jan 11th 2023 at 6:54 AM
    Tip Of The Day

    Just missed out yesterday with a 2nd place for The Imposter.

    Today we are going with

    Lady Nagin in the 1.45 @ Lingfield
    1pt Win @ odds of 18/1 returning £1.90

    Full post on peakd as always

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  • Jan 10th 2023 at 5:48 AM
    Tip Of The Day

    Today's selection is :

    The Imposter in the 2:10pm race @ Exeter
    1pt Win @ odds of 1/1 (evens) with an estimated return of £0.20

    Full post can be viewed on peakd here

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  • Jan 6th 2023 at 4:40 AM
    Tip Of The Day

    Got off to a flyer with Bolsover Bill coming home in first place and adding some winnings to the kitty yesterday!!! Yay!!!

    Today's tip

    6th Jan 2023 3:30pm Race @ Ludlow
    My Bobby Dazzler 1pt Win @ odds of 15/2 (or 8.5 if you prefer the US way .... )

    Fingers crossed for two in a row :)

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  • Jan 5th 2023 at 6:35 AM
    Tip Of The Day

    Anyone that knows me, knows I am into betting on the ponies - not too heavily mind you, just a little flutter and so I've decide to do a daily post here of the bet(s) I'm making.

    Feel free to follow the bet yourself, let me know if you make any profit, get better odds that i get if you do follow it, etc, etc.

    So without further ado lets jump in...

    5th Jan, 2023 1:30pm Race @ Ffos Las (Wales)
    Bolsover Bill 1pt Win (which for me equates to £0.10) @ odds of 2/1.
    Estimated Returns on £0.10 stake £0.30.

    If you decide to have a punt - GOOD LUCK!!!

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  • Apr 21st 2022 at 5:18 AM
    Gambling On Success

    Well time for a new post, posted, originally on yesterday. Probably going to have to give some thought on how to display a table in here, as it's not the best, but we work with what we got. :)

    Hi to one and all.

    I've been tring to decide what my first betting based post should be about, even had a few ideas almost fleshed out but not quite ready to take the plunge with. Then the Baseball season started and I found inspiration...

    The team I follow are San Francisco Giants (the whys and wherefores I'll will leave for another post on the sportstalk community), admittedly from afar as I'm from the UK, but not so far away that that i can't keep up to date with the team's progress via the internet.

    So, here goes my idea...

    I'm going to bet the run-line on (almost) every game the Giants play this season. In addition i'm taking the Giants at -1.5 in every game, i.e I'm putting the Giants as favourite to win the game, and win it by at least 2 runs. Yes, even when the Bookies i use have the opposition involved at -1.5 (they actually give me the option to take other runline outcomes so i should get my choice on every game). My stake starts fairly small @ 10 pence a bet, which hopefully i can increase if results go my way, and given the odds i've been getting so far a winning bet will return slightly over double my stake.

    As of this morning (10:00am 20/4/2022 UK time) my results are,
    Opponent Result Bet Bet Result P/L Team Record Comments
    v Marlins W 6-5 0.10 @31/20 L -0.10 1-0
    v Marlins L 1-2 0.10 @29/20 L -0.20 1-1
    v Marlins W 3-2 0.10 @31/20 L -0.30 2-1
    v Padres L 2-4 0.10 @11/8 L -0.40 2-2
    v Padres W 13-2 0.10 @31/20 L -0.50 3-2 Took the Padres @ -1.5
    v Padres W 2-1 0.10 L -0.60 4-2
    v Guardians W 4-1 No Bet Placed -0.60 5-2
    v Guardians W 4-2 0.10 @29/20 W 0.24 -0.46 6-2
    v Guardians W 8-1 0.10 @13/10 W 0.23 -0.33 7-2
    v Mets L 5-4 0.10 @2/1 L -0.43 7-3
    v Mets L 3-1 No Bet Placed L -0.43 7-4

    So after 11 games i'm down a small amount, but it is early days. Oddly, the one time i actually followed the bookies and went against my Giants taking the Padres @ -1.5 the Giants totally smashed them 13-2. Should have stuck to my instincts on that one 😆.

    And there we have my first betting post, which I hope to be a weekly(ish) post now that i'm up and running, especially as the games come thick and fast throughout the season.

    Hoping you all have good fortune in whatever your chosen betting endeavours.

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  • Apr 6th 2022 at 7:28 AM
    Ale Festival Follow Up #1

    Hi folks,

    Bit late with this, but got it done anyway.

    A few days ago I posted about the upcoming Real Ale Fesival hosted at the Wetherspoon chain of pubs in the UK and Republic of Ireland. It's officially due to commence on Wednesday 30th March, featuring 22 Real Ales from around the UK and 3 from international brewers.

    However, I got a bit of a surprise on a recent visit to one of my usual watering holes, as I found that they had started early and had one of the festival ales available to try, and conveniantly it conicided with #BeerSaturday.

    So my first beer of the festival was Saltaire Brewery's lavishly titled Banquet (3.8% ABV). The supplied tasing notes describe it as a "new British session bitter, brewed exclusively for this festival is copper coloured and brewed with classic British hop varieties resulting in a honey-sweet and delicate spiced bitterness, balanced against a bready malt base".
    Hops used : Admiral, Challenger, Goldings

    My personal obversations are that it is a deep, clear copper coloured ale that has a light floral aroma, a not overpowering spicy flavour, and a pleasant sweetness on the tongue, The head, an off white colour, holds well down the glass. Extremely refreshing, and withs its relatively low ABV a definite winner for a "session" beer - I did go back for a second and totally enjoyed that one too. I scored it an 8 out of 10.

    So that's 1 down and a mere 24 to go. An excellent (allbeit early) start to the festival.

    Cheers and happy #BeerSaturday

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  • Mar 21st 2022 at 6:49 AM
    New Community

    Well I recently came across the Hive Blockchain, and its myriad of communities and opportunities for blogging and earning crypto from it.

    As a result i joined a community that allows me to indulge one of my passions - Real Ale - as they have a weekly challenge to discuss ales being enjoyed on a Saturday, and the story behind the event involved or the beer itself, although I need no excuse to enjoy ale on any day not just Saturday lol!.

    So here is my entry into that communities #BeerSaturday Challenge

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  • Dec 9th 2021 at 7:26 AM
    Wow - It's been a while...

    Nearly three years since i made that first foray into posting a blog. And a heck of a lot has happened in that time, hasn't it.

    So I thought I better get this going again. But what to blog about...

    A long and hard think and i decided to share my journey through the crypto space.

    Now, I've been dabbling with collecting/earning crytpocurrency for a number of years, suffered the ups and downs that are synonomous with the volatility that comes with it, but still think/believe that this is the future.

    And with that belief in mind I'm going to share a number of the sites I'm currently using to build my stash of crypto.

    Today its the turn of Stakecube...

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  • Dec 22nd 2018 at 5:47 AM
    Lets Get Started ...

    Ok, So here we are a brand new blog, and time to write something.

    So to start off, a little about me ...

    I've been working Traffic Exchange and Mailers, and other sites for about 6 years now, had some successes, some failures as everyone does, but that, as they say is life.

    You've probably seen my ugly mug around a great many sites, and seen me promoting a wide variety of things, SFI, other TE's, Mailers, even crypto sites, as during that time i've joined a lot of things - cant get too much traffic after all.

    Outside of surfing, as you will see from my interests i have a passion for real ale (sometimes called craft beer) and work (volunteer) several beer festivals in the UK throughout the year. Volunteering for these events has two benefits, networking with fellow aleheads, and very often a good amount of free beer - always a plus in my book lol.

    Also into sports, particularly those those based in the USA, which thanks to the internet, are so much easier to keep up to date with thankfully, and follow these teams - NFL, New Orleans Saints (aka the who dat nation), NBA Charlotte Hornets, NHL San Jose Sharks, MLB San Francisco Giants.

    Also an avid reader, particularly thrillers and horror, with favourite authors including Lee Child, Stephen King, Clive Cussler and Jeffery Deaver to name a few. Music tastes vary depending on mood but i enjoy most from the 60's right through to the present day. TV/film similarly cover a wide range of genres probably dominated by thrillers, horror, historical dramas.

    So there we have me in a nutshell, and that's enough waffle for now lol.

    Catch you all later, somewhere around the TE world, and if you spot me come say hi!

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Tip Of The Day
Jan 12th 2023 at 5:23 AM
Tip Of The Day
Jan 11th 2023 at 6:54 AM
Tip Of The Day
Jan 10th 2023 at 5:48 AM
Tip Of The Day
Jan 6th 2023 at 4:40 AM
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