Patrick Doolin
Patrick's Interests
Music, Medicine, Marketing
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  • Patrick's Blog

  • Greetings, action takers! I hope you're all doing well!

    Currently, the richest person in the world has plans to bring internet service to every part of planet earth.

    This may very well be the most important news to an SFI affiliate, ever!

    One of the main barriers to accessing our amazing program is that there are far too many people that simply do not have access to the internet. There are about 13 countries with limited, or no access to the internet at all.

    For example, a printed newspaper is still more common than any other media source. Many folks share the newspaper among their friends and family, as they cannot afford to buy one for themselves.

    Think about a modern smartphone - which are becoming increasingly affordable - imagine if the whole world had internet access and an affordable smartphone?

    Let's go where no affiliate has gone before and propel the good news of SFI into the farthest reaches of space!


    Patrick Doolin

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