Bruce Bates
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  • Feb 7th 2019 at 3:54 AM
    Cryptocurrency - its just money

    How many website owners do you know that used to accept payza that no longer do? How many website owners do you know that used to accept paypal that no longer do? How many people turned to jvzoo as an answer only to find that also failed?

    The fact is website after website has looked to alternative solutions because they have been forced to. Sadly, no matter what solution they find, there is a good chance sooner or later they will have to move on to something new.

    The truth is the banking system most rely on, can steal your money, can control what you do, and can decide if you stay in business.

    Cryptocurrency is blatantly the answer to that. You don't have to rely on any sort of third party to do business. You don't have to pay large credit card processing fee's. You can control 100% of your own money.

    Bitcoin is obviously the most popular currency, however there are many different options that exist.

    So what is all this crazy cryptocurrency? Its exactly what it sounds like - its a new form of money. It completely replaces banks, credit cards, and paper money. It's real money, it can be saved or spent, and you can control you own money with no need for any other company.

    In fact, despite anything else you might read or learn, the real value of cryptocurrency comes from its spendability. It is not some stock you need to profit from. Instead the true value of it, comes from it's ability to be spent.

    Bitcoin is the most valuable because it is the most accepted cryptocurrency.

    If you need a bitcoin wallet check out the desktop wallet electrum.

    When I started creating The Advertising Currency I was well aware that the single most important thing is getting other websites and businesses accepting the currency. That is what makes a successful project successful, and that is what causes most cryptocurrencies to fail. Its all about spendability.

    When I was asked if any of our tokens are able to be traded yet, I said of course not. Our goal is not to get them trading until they have a much stronger value.

    In order to get our traffic exchange currency to have real value, we need 10 to 20 different exchanges accepting it. This will take time. Cryptocurrency scares the masses, especially a new coin - but nothing worth accomplishing comes without work.

    So that is the current mission of my project. Getting exchanges open to the idea of accepting our tokens. In the short term the benefit is being able to spend them on other sites that accept them. In the long term, as more and more sites accept, the coin becomes more and more valuable when we are ready to trade.

    Currently we only sell the tokens through the TAC website but as we secure more businesses willing to accept them, that will change. Our tokens are real, can be verified through blockchain, and we have a custom wallet for those who want to store our tokens.

    If you know any exchange owners willing to accept our tokens, or if you own an exchange and are willing to accept them, reach out to me and let me know.

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TE Payday My newest website business
Mar 11th 2019 at 8:53 PM
Cryptocurrency - its just money
Feb 7th 2019 at 3:54 AM
Who am I and what is TAC?
Feb 1st 2019 at 4:17 PM
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