Noli Panginen
United States
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  • No kidding at all, Yup..! ETHads is a program that will have a sure RETENTION because all members that are coming in either they joined after the 1,000th member or after the 10,000th member or 100,000th member they will receive corresponding VALUE for their Money spent, because it is not a simple Gifting Program like most SmartContracts, as the MillionMoney, Forsage, Lionshare, Supersage etc etc etc, I've been with those smartcontracts... unfortunately, gradually most of them started to slows down because there are no actual products that they are getting for their money...

    Launched Aug 5th, this ETHads now has about 4,125 active proven buying members. ID: 6 ... As soon as you joined and paid the entry cost, login after 25 minutes on average just after your advertising credits are loaded, to get all the tools you will be given inside members area... No free members can access the dashboard, that makes it a real community of proven paying members where your Ads in form of banners and text ads will be displayed.

    Just make your programs be linked-with-one-another, wherein each one will then drive traffic to each one of them, thereby leveraging your precious time and efforts on advertising, kinda like set and forget thing.

    Ok, assuming you have programs: A, B, C, D, & E then try to promote A to B next is to promote B to C then promote C to D and then next will be promote D to E ... then finally promote E back to A .... with that, you just now made a truly MPAM = Massive Perpetual Advertising Machine

    From thereon, every little traffic that you send on any one of them will trigger the continuity of the motion and surely will keep your advertising on kinetics.

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