MihailCiprian Vasiliu
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MihailCiprian's Team
MihailCiprian (CiprianV57) is the team leader of The Cats Surfers

  • MihailCiprian's Blog

  • Feb 26th 2024 at 2:50 AM
    Two years of invincibility!!

    Hi Team,

    If someone had told me two years ago that from then on our team would always be in first place, I would have been a little skeptical. This is because in H4H the competition is quite tough, with surfers who work constantly and quite a lot, and then you should have had a high-performing team to achieve this.

    And yet, here we are now reaching this milestone, which at the time would have seemed difficult to achieve. Yes, we have two years of invincibility.
    How did it get here? Through a lot of work, through the dedication and ambition of many surfers who, over time, were part of the team. And if after the unpleasant episode when we fell to the 2nd place (and which I reminded you about in the previous message) there were a few weeks when we did not manage to distance ourselves very much from those in the 2nd place (at that time we " we were fighting" with "Wonkru") and we had very small advances (216 points in the first week, 306 in the second or 368 in the fourth), later we took our role seriously and created bigger advances.

    Only in 11 weeks the advance was below 1500, another 15 with less than 2000, so that in 30 weeks the advance was up to 2500. We even had better weeks (18 in which we made between 2500 - 3000 points more than the 2nd place, 24 with gains over 3000 and two super differences - 4000 in week 52 and 4273 in week 54).
    There were three teams with whom we "fought" in these 2 years. There were those from "Wonkru" in the first 19 weeks (after which this team was "lost", and from week 23 it was no longer in the Top 5). It was followed by "The Dream Team" with whom we had to deal with for 30 consecutive weeks and then sporadic episodes, when they were fighting with "Champions" for the 2nd place. And, of course, our current opponents "Champions", with whom we fight since almost half a year.

    During all this time, we have managed to stay in first place and show week after week that we are something better than the others. So let's continue our activity as we know how to do it, let's not click just because we got bored of surfing. Let's keep the others at a distance and keep collecting more victories. The first place has been ours for 2 years, why not continue it like this?

    Happy Surfing

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Two years of invincibility!!
Feb 26th 2024 at 2:50 AM
A year on top!
Feb 27th 2023 at 12:43 AM
Paid, at last!
Feb 16th 2020 at 7:57 PM
Marty don't pay
Feb 16th 2020 at 10:08 AM
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