Mike Cosma
Ohio, United States
Mike's Interests
Computers, Team Builds, Linux, Experimental Music, Internet Marketing, and more.
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  • Mike's Blog

  • Feb 28th 2021 at 9:32 PM
    I need a team

    I applied for a team but so far nothing so I will try again and get in another one. Loving the profile page, I keep working on it and tweaking it. I was on another ad site earlier and noticed there was a broken banner. Upon investigating it was one of the main sites I promote! Woah, I have some work to do now. This was one of the extra sites I list at the bottom of my profile page so I just had to remove it as it is not working at all right now. The one I replaced it with I think I like better so it was a good thing to make me think for a minute. Then I noticed the fonts were all looking different in my bottom paragraphs so then I had to edit all of that. I'm good now. Next I will apply for another surf team and see what happens.

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Wow there is a lot going on
Jan 22nd 2023 at 10:56 PM
Crypto Team Build
Jul 11th 2021 at 10:03 PM
Things are Shifting
Jul 11th 2021 at 8:34 PM
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