Hi everyone,
Andy here again from Affiliate 3 Percent and mailer on Fire with an announcement sure to wet your advertising tastebuds.
Our popular Affiliates Newsletter at https://newsletter.affiliate3percent.com is returning this Monday 11-16-2020 and will publish every week a new edition with features like quick affiliate marketing tips, mini-reviews of home business opportunities and traffic sites, and the ever-popular from around the web section where we showcase articles from other sites.
To celebrate we have added Banner Ads to our lineup of e-zine newsletter ads. You can purchase clicks with unlimited impressions in 3 different sizes for as low as 10 cents per actual visitor to your program/blog/social profile.
The best deal is in our in post ads which a super-exclusive and rotate right in front of engaged readers under the second paragraph of every issue ever posted or posted in the future. That means more impressions and faster delivery.
Don't need fast delivery but a budget option instead?
We have classified ads on site that also rotate on every page but are popular based on price and the fact a $5 ad last a whopping 90 days.
Be sure to check out our edition archives and new ad samples and rated at:
Thanks in Advance,
Andy Zeus Anderson
Affiliates newsletter at Affiliate 3 Percent
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