Patrick Simpson
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I love Playing guitar and marketing. I like to code and create ads, surfing and connecting with others whom love to market their programs and businesses. I have a site Called Bi-Polar Marketing that is a blog. I have site I am developing and hope to launch in Jan.2019
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    Designing A New Capture Page And Looking Forward To Thanksgiving

    I hope you had a safe and Happy Halloween!!
    This morning I am starting to work on new capture page for this month to ad to the ones I am running now.

    I am building a capture page that is going to be thanksgiving themed. I am stuck because I have several animated gif's I can use.....I am having a hard time choosing, LOL!!

    These Are The Guide Line I Am Trying to Follow, Which Are Making My Decision Hard

    • I need to make sure that my design does not require the end user (the potential subscriber), does not have to scroll. I only want them to sit there and read and follow thru before the timer goes down.

    • I need to use graphics that are eye catching but not to busy or to many colors. That's a problem for me because I like to create backgrounds that are very bright and colorful, then ad in some fixed or animated gif's in the foreground.

    • I need to edit the code for my capture box that I get from Traffic Wave Auto Responderso that is does not look like everyone elses

    • Lastly, and most important, I need to get my message across without it sounding so much like me, meaning I can't let it contain info that is not necessary for them to know at that point. I am the kinda person that is quite at first but when you get to know me I tend to ramble on a lot and bounce from subject quite a bit. I recently learned that my ads seem to have more info than needed, causing my message to be unclear...hence me actually rambling in my ads, LOL!!

    What Are Your Guide Lines For Creating A Capture Page

    That's my new guide lines I am trying to follow. Up until a couple of weeks ago I really did not stop to think about as much as I had thought.
    I remembered to attend a webinar fromAffiliate Funnel, I am glad I did. They were showing off their designs and getting advice from each other...and the over whelming consensus was that my designs were too busy and my message was unclear. One of my designs required the end user to have to scroll just to get to my capture form.
    I ended up changing one of my capture pages, implementing their suggestions, and the other I ma redesigning period.
    The one I made changes to, keeping it in rotation, it has since gotten me 14 new subscribers since!
    So how do you decide what to include or not, how do you create your tag line?
    Please Let me Know!!! Here Is one of the gif's I am for sure going to include:

    animated turkey's walking picture

    Until Next Post Peace And Love To Yas!!

    2 comments - add a comment
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    Nov 8th 2018 at 8:59 AM by Caroline Kish
    Hiya, Patrick. Just a quick thought about capture pages. I alway make sure I mention the visitor before me and make sure they know I understand their problems PLUS a really good solution. Far too many online folk start with the word 'I can' or 'I will', etc, putting themselves first. With focus on customer needs all that's left to do is to convince customers that they can Know, Like & Trust YOUR ability to do the tasks that the customer is paying you for.
    Dec 21st 2018 at 6:15 AM by Mary Dent
    This is late I know.. I used to always have a heading .. auto start video ..autoresponder .. not too much wording .. that came from Jon Olson started a huge discussion on FB about auto start video or no
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