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Frances Buchanan

Country: CA

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My Full Story on my Blog

Hello My Friends, Frances here, from Newfoundland Canada and I was a Nurse for 10 years and had to retire from nursing because of ill health.


Under the circumstances I had to adapt to a new way of life and figure out how I was going to earn Money to live.

With time on my hands and searching for something to do, I decided to go into internet marketing, and it has proven to be rewarding.

It gave me a new lease on life, were I could work from home The satisfaction of helping other people to do the same and offer good advise on health and fitness was a bonus for me  when I started with Now Lifestyle

To top it of I found a Team with a  funnel  for Now LifeStyle and combined with a proven Marketing system to create Traffic and commissions to your business no matter what you are promoting.

There is ample training,and anyone can do it. Start your new lease on life today by joining our Team Here

Now LifeStyle to promote Health and Fitness

 My chosenTeam & Funnel System for Now LifeStyle


Watch this Important webinar that will reveal all !


















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