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Promo codes


We sometimes send out promo codes in emails (you will get them if you subscribe to our newsletters, which you can toggle on/off in your Account Settings). They can reward you with things like credits, cash or work as lottery tickets in a draw. We also have daily promo codes that are only visible in the member area when you have logged in. They may be changed between shortly after reset (midnight EST) at times, so if it says "Invalid or expired code", it has not yet been changed. Just check back a little later to enter the new code.

When you have a code, enter it on the "Promo Codes" page. It will also say how many pages you need to surf to receive the prize of for the reward to become active. You can enter the code even after you have surfed the amount of pages asked for in the email. Then you are only required to surf one or two more pages, and you will get the prize.