We use Gravatar, Globally recognized avatars, for pictures to appear with your sites in the surfbar and on the different pages and ranking lists. Register at Gravatar with the same email you used to register in Hungry For Hits, upload a picture and rate it G, then it will appear here automatically. For chat, you have to upload a picture separately.
-Go to http://gravatar.com-Click the blue button that says "Create your own Gravatar" to create a new account.-Enter a valid email (which is where you will receive a notification to activate your account), chose a username and a password-Once you have verified your email, log in to upload pictures. Make sure you rate the picture "G", as in suitable for all ages. You can also add more email addresses to your account, but you have to verify each address you add.-To connect a picture to an email address, select one of the email addresses you have listed. Then click the picture you've uploaded. There will be a button to confirm that you wish to connect the email address with the picture. Done!-The picture will automatically be connected to your email address, and any site that uses Gravatar (most traffic exchanges and mailers) will automatically pull the picture from Gravatar and make it your profile photo.