Frederick Miller
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  • Frederick's Blog

  • 50 WAYS To Make More Traffic To Your Site:

    1. Write and submit articles to the article directories.

    2. Leave comments on other people blogs with a backlink to your site.

    3. Answer people questions on

    4. Post in forums and have a link to your site in your signature.

    5. Write a press release and submit it to

    6. Advertise your website in the appropriate category on

    7. Give an unbiased testimonial on a product/service that you have used in exchange for a backlink to your site.

    8. Start a blog and submit it to the 100 of free blog directories.

    9. Manually submit your website to the major search engines.

    10. Optimize each page of your website for a particular keyword or search phrase.

    11. Add a link in your email signature to your website. Its a free and easy way to get a little more traffic.

    12. Make a custom 404 error page for your website redirecting people to your home page.

    13. Use PPC search engine advertising.

    14. Add a Bookmark this site?link to your webpages.

    15. Have a tell-a-friend form on your site.

    16. Send articles to ezine publishers that includes a link to your website.

    17. Hold a crazy content and make it go viral.

    18. Give away a freebie (ebook, report, e-course) to keep people coming back to your site.

    19. Add an RSS feed to your blog.

    20. Submit your site to any related niche directories on the net.

    21. Participate in a banner or link exchange program.

    22. Create a software program and give it away for free.

    23. Purchase the misspellings or variations of your domain name, or those of your competitors.

    24. Buy a domain name related to your niche that is already receiving traffic and forward it to your site.

    25. Pass out business cards with your domain on them everywhere you go.

    26. Start and affiliate program and let your affiliates send you visitors.

    27. Start a page on social bookmarking sites such as

    28. Submit a viral video to

    29. Conduct and publish surveys to your website.

    30. Find joint venture partners that will send you traffic.

    31. Start your own newsletter or ezine.

    32. Use a autoresponder or email campaign to keep people coming back to your site.

    33. Purchase ads on other sites.

    34. Send a free copy of your product to other site owners in exchange for a product review.

    35. Sell or place classified ads on with a link to your site.

    36. Post free classified ads on any of the sites that allow them with a link to your site.

    37. Exchange reciprocal links with other related websites.

    38. Network with other people at seminars or other live events.

    39. Purchase advertising in popular newsletters or ezines.

    40. Advertise on other products Thank you?pages.

    41. Create a free ebook and list in on the Free ebook?sites.

    42. Buy and use a memorable domain name.

    43. Do something controversial.

    44. Create an Amazon profile and submit reviews for books and other products that you have read.

    45. Start a lens on

    46. Use a traffic exchange (low quality traffic, but can sometimes be worthwhile).

    47. Get referrals form similar but non-competing sites.

    48. Create and sell a product with resell or giveaway rights and include a link to your site in it o others pass it around for you.

    49. Email your list. If you dont have one, get one.

    50. Buy a pair of sandals; get your website engraved on the bottom and walk on the beach, stomp in the mud or play in the snow.

    Can you ADD anymore? Please write and let me know....

    Hope you found this information useful
    Take care, Freddie

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  • Hey friends!

    What are you doing while staying at home? 🤔
    The coronavirus is teaching us two valuable lessons.

    1. 9-5 income is never safe. ❌
    2. Learn some type of skills, so that when the chips are down, you’ll thrive. ✅

    I argue everyone out there to use this opportunity to learn from our mentors and build multiple streams of income. 🧠

    Click here now ⬇️

    Cheers 🥂 🍻 see you there 👍

    4 comments - add a comment
  • I'm not going to waste a lot of time trying to
    convince you of anything. 
    When you go to the link below you will learn everything you need to know.  I hope you like it.

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  • Jul 12th 2020 at 9:00 AM
    Signups today whoooooo

    Hi friends,

    today l made 6 new free member signups with Guaranteed Downline Club, for each free signup l was paid $0.50 that’s $3

    And 7 signups in leads and cash profiting me $42, now l have 7 new proven new buyers on my list and it’s only going to get better as time goes on.

    Have a great Sunday afternoon,

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  • Herculist has been an internet marketing must since 2001.
    All new HercuList PLUS is enhanced with our theZONE surfing system.

    1) NO fake traffic and NO bots!
    2) 1:1 surf ratio and fast timers!
    3) $5 signup bonus!

    I’ve been a free member with herculist now for about 4 years and never had good recent results until now. Since the inception of plus with added features and my Lifetime GOLD upgrade, just under $50 bucks I’ve had a much improved results.

    You see as a free member you can only reach 500 members, but as soon as you upgrade to gold you can mail every day to over 90,000+ members, what a great difference that makes, I’m already in profit with the purchase of my lifetime gold membership through the many programs l promote there Whoop!

    I would highly recommend using herculist plus, but definitely go Lifetime GOLD. There are many ways you can advertise there and if you work at it for long enough, you could potential send mail out to 180,000+

    😂 free is no good there, check it out if your not a member and my advice to you, if your a free, go lifetime GOLD, surely you would invest in yourself and obtain more leverage 😃 face

    See you soon with my next post, have a great evening

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  • Hi friends,

    I’m back again with another quick topic signups and of course earning some dollars and engaging with new people worldwide.

    Title, Struggling To Get Signups or Simply Don’t Like Signing People Up?

    Here’s a fairly new site that will do all of that for you, or should l have said “join in force & make even more money” 😂

    Check it out and see what you think? It’s called Guaranteed Downline Club. Please give yourself and watch a very informative video presentation which explains the program much better, than l ever could 😂

    Grab a cup of coffee or tea with your favourite biscuits 😂

    5 comments - add a comment
  • Hello my fellow friends and marketers and welcome to new friends.

    2 Essential Tools You Need To Make Money Online, other wise your going to struggle, I’ve learnt this the hard way 😂

    Until recently I’ve found a very good list building site, l would like to share with guys n girls.

    But before l continue with this post in greater detail, here are the two important tools.

    1. A lead capture page.

    2. Auto responder.

    Let’s explore the lead capture page. Firstly it’s a fast loading, well designed page, offering you something of value, something that will make a difference to your own online marketing efforts like a prize, a piece of software, a upgrade, or cash, it could be anything of real value or simply a way of attracting people who want make money online using the very same tools, so in order to obtain that information they will enter their email address, in other words subscribe to your list.

    Next important tool is your Auto responder, which will follow up and engage with your subscribers automatically through a series of messages at different intervals, saving you valuable time having to write them individually and if that’s not your strong point, you can always outsource that part of your business to a professional person or organisation.

    Earlier on l mentioned I’d found a very good list building site that literally does all the work for you and more, I’ll highlight a few details here very quickly.

    Here’s what you get absolutely FREE if you act fast a signup right now before the site owner decides to charge BIG BUCKS:)

    So here’s what you Get: Free lead capture page, to grab your subscribers.

    Free Autoresponder with all the follow ups loaded, yes loaded, no script writing for you to do, which is amazing, and best of all apart from being FREE- YOU can also ADD one of your own programs and yes the responder will follow up with messages to your program, now how cool is that? Pretty cool l would say.

    Having said all of that were left with targeted traffic for proven buyers, they can help with that also, by providing quality traffic resources and to top it ALL you can make a serious residual income by just promoting the very same system to whom may want to make money online, a no brainer if you ask me.

    Time to act now while it’s FREE so go ahead click on the link below and grab your two most important tools for making money online and engaging with your customers.

    Watch the video, it explains everything simply, clearly and precisely

    Cheers see on my next post, which won’t be to long 😂

    2 More Great Sites That Compliment Your Free List Building Site As You Will See Once You Grab Your Free List Building Site With Lifetime Hosting:)

    Create Leads and Daily Cash!
    Make Even More Money!

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  • Quick description of the program 👍


    A Mailer For Marketers

    Launched July 6th, 2018!


    When You Have Credits You May:

    ✅Mail ALL Members Anytime You Like
    ✅Mail As Many Times As You Need
    ✅Mail Whenever YOU Want


    ✅Earn Up to 40% on EVERY SALE!
    ✅Mail in HTML
    ✅Commission Paid Weekly - NO MINIMUM

    ✅Lifetime Upgrade Levels To Fit All Budgets!
    ✅Benefits Will Rise as Membership Grows!

    ✅Join- Promote- Be Paid!

    Cheers, 🍇🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍌🍉🍓🍈🍒🍑🥭🍍🥥🥝🍆🍅🥑

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  • May 7th 2020 at 7:50 AM
    please refund my money

    Hey Freddie here . . .

    I see it daily.

    Something called buyers remorse.

    A new lead watches a video, gets excited, then wants to quit as soon as they make their payment and things become real.

    "Did I really just pay money to join a business?"

    "Wait, I have NO idea what I’m doing!"

    Then, panic sets in.

    This is all too familiar, HOWEVER… easily avoidable with ONE simple step.

    That simple step is called ACTION. In other words . . .

    . . .  watch the training videos and then DO what the videos explain.

    Simple, right? Yeah, it really is.

    But too many times people are driven by fear. It consumes us in a daily spin of news and social media.

    True statement here:    "Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will".

    Ever hear that one before? Well again, it’s true. People are so scared of failing they never start over half the things they WANT to start.

    Again, sound familiar?

    KNOW that you DO have the ability! You DO have greatness and strength in you!

    It’s only what’s in your head that’s keeping it from coming out.

    You just need to open the door a little and let the light shine in.

    Because NOW is your time to shine! It’s time to break free from the chains in your mind and unleash awesomeness on your life!

    IF, and IF you are ready for amazing things to happen . .
    You’ll see once you watch the video, it’s all possible.

    You got this my friend! It’s your time!

    Click here

    To your MASSIVE success in 2020!!


    Freddie Miller

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  • Apr 23rd 2020 at 5:46 AM
    need back links for your Blog?

    Auto Backlinks

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  • Auto Backlinks

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  • Hey members,

    We all belong to traffic exchanges and other paying sites, that don’t pay, so what about the service you as a member receive.

    Please share your experiences, whether good or bad, so l can high light them in a BIG way!!

    Hahaha 😂 We all know, who’s the best RIGHT...

    3 comments - add a comment
  • Jan 27th 2020 at 2:44 PM
    Why don’t more members have this site?

    Hello members,

    Freddie here... I’ve been wondering from my extensive promotional work l do online, l don’t see many members utilising this site called MyFreeAdPage, it’s 💯 % free
    and you can advertise free for life if you prefer to do that.

    Here’s what you get Unlimited Square Banners, Unlimited normal size Banners and Unlimited Text/Ads.

    Now how cool 😎 is that? Check out my page right here, right now

    2 comments - add a comment
  • Nov 17th 2019 at 6:16 AM



    See Exactly How I Earn 
    $160 to $440 A Day
    Sending Simple Emails
    From Home!
    And SEE Why I'll Set You Up To Duplicate My Success For FREE!

    THIS IS A LIE PEOPLE! Me and a associate tested this program





    5 comments - add a comment
  • Nov 17th 2019 at 2:58 AM
    Your Opinions Matter! Get Paid For Them!

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  • Nov 15th 2019 at 3:17 AM
    Scam Emails Flooding My Inbox!

    Hi members everywhere,

    Just a reminder on scam e-mails that are flooding my inbox, I’ve noticed they are similar to the very first one l received, requesting personal details including BANK, but they are also being sent with different subject lines from different people, so be mindful and don’t fall for this BS

    Golden rule Banks don’t usually send out emails requesting personal details, well at least not here in the UK

    Thank you 🙏

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    TRAFFICONIC |  Free Traffic To Your Website or Blog

    Thank you for stopping bye 👍

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    Dear beneficiary,

    This is to inform you that the United Nation Anti-Crime Commission and United Kingdom of Great Britain (UK) in conjunction with the United Nations (UN) Foreign Credit Commission and Debts Settlement Services New York, have ordered the Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS) Fraud Victim Compensation Unit of Fidelity Insurance Plc, Benin Republic, West Africa to release your compensation of $2,500,000.00 USD.through ATM Visa Card system, which is the latest instruction from Mr.António Guterres.United Nation Anti-Crime Commission Secretary General.

    We wish to inform you that you are among the 100 beneficiaries to benefit Two Million Five hundred Thousand Dollars ($2,500,000.00 USD) each from the third batch of Three Hundred Million ($300,000,000.00 USD) Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS) Fraud Victim Compensation Unit. According to the number of applicants at hand, 40 beneficiaries have been paid, two third of the victims are from the United States, we still have more 60 left to be paid the compensations of $2.5 Million each.

    Therefore be advice to contact Financial orabank Benin Republic, with your Full information, for the shipping of your ATM Visa Card, In order to receive your fund/payment, forward your personal details to the following email:Bank E-mail:( ) Department in charge of ATM Visa Card E-mail:( )to avoid wrong delivery such as:



    Financial orabank Benin Republic,
    Bank E-mail:( )
    Department in charge of ATM Visa Card. E-mail:( )
    Tel.:(+229) 97 20 89 51
    Fax:(229) 21 31 51 77
    Contact Person: Mr.Drissa Cisse. Chief Administrative and Financial Officer.
    Financial orabank Benin Republic.

    As soon as the bank hears from you, they shall arrange the fund release to you.

    Thanks H.E. Mrs.Susan Leo.
    CC: David R. Malpass World Bank president.
    CC: Mr. António Guterres UN Secretary General.
    cc: Mr. Mamoudou KANE Chief Executive Officer Financial orabank Benin Republic.

    You may copy and pass on, if you so wish...

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  • Oct 4th 2019 at 12:30 AM
    New Site Red Dragon Hits

    New site with many ways to earn cash while surfing.
    Prize pages, Surfing Contest, Referral Contests , Promo Contest and Surfer Rewards

    Surf 50 Pages

    Get $0.01 USD cash or 25 Text Links

    Surf 100 Pages

    Get $0.01 USD cash or 50 Text Links

    Surf 150 Pages

    Get $0.02 USD cash or 10 Credits or 10 Text Links

    Surf 200 Pages

    Get $0.03 USD cash or 20 Banners or 20 Text Links

    Surf 250 Pages

    Get $0.04 USD cash or 15 Credits or 20 Text Links

    Surf 300 Pages

    Get $0.05 USD cash or 20 Credits or 20 Banners or 20 Text Links

    Surf 350 Pages

    Get $0.06 USD cash or 25 Credits or 25 Banners or 25 Text Links

    Surf 400 Pages

    Get $0.07 USD cash or 30 Credits or 30 Banners or 30 Text Links

    Join Me.

    Happy Surfing.

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  • Sep 19th 2019 at 5:55 AM
    Are You Using Intelligent BANNERS?

    The ORIGINAL Banner Rotator!!!

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  • Consumer Warning: We will deliver up to 1,022 visitors to your websites every 3 days for FREE. is the ultimate FREE website traffic generator.

    2 comments - add a comment
  • Sharing is caring, especially when you share you actually get something back in return, right?

    We want OhMyDosh to become a household name and ultimately take over the world (but not in creepy A.I iRobot kinda way). The best way for us to get the OhMyDosh gospel out there for the world to hear is with you, our superfantasticalawesome users.

    Below, you’ll find a tracking link. This tracking link is specific for to you, it is totally unique and perfect in every way, like a snowflake. This link is there for you to share however you feel like doing it.

    “Why should I share OhMyDosh!? What’s in it for me?” We hear you cry. Invite your friends to join OhMyDosh and you’ll earn an additional £5 for each friend that reaches £10. The more friends you refer, the more you earn!

    Not only will you earn, but every friend you refer will receive a cheeky little £1 welcome bonus in their account too, so that's big friend points right there for you!

    Stuck for ideas on how to share OhMyDosh fear not my friend, here are some handy ideas and tips which you can thank us for later. Seriously, please do thank us, it makes us happy to hear from you.

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  • Please LIKE & SHARE my new Chanel Events page in a bit to boost its followers!

    Your help and support would be much appreciated 🙌🏾❤

    Please also look out for our give away posts and our amazing packages soon to be on offer

    Many thanks

    Chanel Events x

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    1 comments - add a comment
  • Picture this...

    Create a FREE membership.


    Get a ready made website
    that sucks in up to $200
    per month...PER visitor!

    ..AND enables you to earn
    unlimited FREE traffic on
    top of the unlimited income!

    And that's only the beginning!

    Click here to join FREE!...

    See you at the top!

    Bryan Winters

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  • Struggling to stick with your diet program? You aren’t alone. Millions of people worldwide start up and fall off diet programs every day. Why is it so hard to stick with something? Why can’t they carry out a plan once and for all?

    Often, it’s due to a few key mistakes they’re making along the way. Let’s take a closer look at three secrets that you need to know about sticking with a diet program. When you put these secrets into action, you’ll find it’s easier than ever to get the results that you are looking for.

    Get A Diet Buddy

    One word of advice: don’t go at it alone. Those who get a diet buddy to do a diet and experience the highs and lows with them tend to stand a much better chance of seeing success in the long run.

    If you can’t convince someone to do the diet with you, at the very least, find someone who will stand by your side and be there for support when you need it.

    You will hit a hard time, and during that hard time, it can really help if you have someone there to encourage you through it.

    Use Hunger-Busting Strategies

    Hunger is another reason why many people can’t stick with a fat loss diet plan. Either they are cutting their calories back too far, thereby causing the hunger, or they are not eating foods that encourage satiety.

    You want to focus your diet around foods that break down and digest slowly. Lean proteins coupled with fibrous carbohydrates are the best choices, followed closely by small doses of dietary fat.

    While the calories in fat do add up quickly, a small amount added to your diet can work wonders to help you better control hunger.

    Set Short-Term Goals

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  • Wondering why you just cannot see success with your diet plan? Do you feel like every diet you go on, you eventually fall off somewhere along the line?

    Are you ready to toss in the towel on fat loss for good?

    Don’t be. If you stop and take a minute to look at the four reasons why most diets fail, and then find yourself a diet plan that overcomes these reasons, you will soon find yourself on track to optimal success.

    Let’s look at the four key factors that you need to know.

    Unrealistic Calorie Intake

    The first big reason why most diets fail is because they simply have you striving to take in an unrealistic number of calories each day. In other words, they put you into “starvation mode.” They are causing you to consume so little food that your body literally starts shutting down to conserve fuel.

    When it does this, you know that you are on a one-way path to a fat loss plateau. Yes, you do need to lower your calorie intake to see fat loss results, but you need to do so wisely in a way that you can maintain your “metabolic engine,” so to speak.

    Lack Of Satiety-Boosting Nutrients

    Next, another big issue with most conventional diets is they aren’t providing you enough of the two most satisfying nutrients: protein and fiber. You need protein to function optimally. It’s also the nutrient that’s the slowest to break down and digest in the body, so it will provide immediate satiety.

    Couple that with dietary fiber, which is found in fresh fruits and vegetables, and it’ll slow digestion even further.

    Many crash diet plans are very low in protein, and while they do have you eating lots of vegetables, many discourage the consumption of fruit.

    By making these two nutrients a focus of your plan instead, you can see results that much faster and enjoy being on the diet while you do.

    Time Consuming Meal Prep

    Who has an hour each and every day to meal prep? Not me — and definitely not you. Yet, many diet plans are so complex that they require this. If that’s the diet you’re on, it’s no wonder you’re failing.

    Instead, you want to find an approach that gives you some basic and easy-to-implement guidelines that will help you realize true success with your program.

    This plan should not take hours to follow each week, and should work with your lifestyle. When you find such a plan, it’ll be easier than ever to stick with.

    Long-Term Approach

    Now, chances are you’ve heard that any diet you follow should encourage a long-term approach — and I agree. When you make diet changes, you should be focusing on maintaining healthy eating in the long term.

    But, if your diet plan is designed to go on for months, this can kill your motivation in its tracks.

    Find a diet with a definite deadline. Three weeks is optimal here as that is the amount of time it takes to build good habits – habits that stick. Also, three weeks is a long enough period of time that you can see good results, but not so long that it’s hard to stay motivated.

    Anyone should be able to do three weeks if they put their mind to it. This is precisely what The 3 Week Diet is built upon. By doing this diet, you can see remarkable changes in as little as three short weeks and once you see how easy it is to melt the fat, you’ll want to stick with the plan much longer than that.

    Check out what The 3 Week Diet has to offer.

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  • If you’re a woman on a mission to burn fat, there’s a good chance you are making one or two (or more) mistakes along the way. I see it time and time again and yet, few women ever actually crack the weight loss code.

    It really doesn’t need to be as complicated as it seems. By learning what these mistakes are, you can quickly put them behind you and get on track to seeing better results.

    Let’s look at four fat loss mistakes you need to know about.

    Starvation Diets

    If 1400 calories is good, 1000 must be better, right? Wrong. Your body needs fuel to burn fat properly. As strange as it may sound, if you cut your calories back too far, your body will just cling onto what fat it does have, making further fat loss feel impossible.

    You want to use a moderate calorie deficit, like the guidelines set forth in the 3 Week Diet plan, as this will ensure that your metabolism stays revved and you keep burning fat.

    Failing To Plan Ahead

    Another big mistake many women make is failing to plan ahead. They think about their next meal about an hour before that meal takes place. Often, this is because they’re busy and just don’t have time to do all that cooking.

    If you want to see results, however, you need to plan ahead. The trick is using a weight loss program that doesn’t call for overly complex meals that mean you spend hours each day in the kitchen.

    No woman can handle that — you have a life to lead. But, with a diet plan that makes planning ahead simple, you will stand a much better chance of sticking with your menu. You should never wonder “what to eat” when hunger hits or you’ll be tempted to eat something you shouldn’t.

    Overdoing Cardio Training

    If there’s one thing that most women have in common, it’s hours spent on cardio machines. While some smart cardio training (such as sprint training) can be beneficial for fat loss, you really don’t need to chain yourself to the treadmill, bike, or the elliptical. In fact, doing so can do more harm than good.

    Instead, what you need is a basic weight training program that focuses on key lifts that make you stronger.

    Check out The 3 Week Diet workout program if you need assistance in this area. This program will go over the top calorie burning exercises that will firm up and tighten your body while helping you melt fat quickly.

    Overcomplicating The Process

    Finally, the last big mistake that many women make is overcomplicating their program. They find a diet plan that has a million rules and regulations that they must follow and then wonder why they aren’t sticking with it and it’s not working.

    Simplicity is best. With a few smart guidelines that you can easily implement into your life, you can be on track to seeing superior results.

    Fat loss isn’t rocket science. It all boils down to fueling your body with the right food choices and amount of energy to encourage the release of energy from body fat cells.

    The 3 Week Diet plan will explain how to do this without feeling like you need a Ph.D. in diet lingo.

    So keep these mistakes in mind. If you see yourself making any of them, make a few changes and get yourself on track to seeing better results in the future.

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  • Feel like you’re doing everything right on your diet plan but still not seeing the results you desire?

    Many people find themselves in this position. They are working hard on their approach and taking care to follow their diet to the letter. But yet, something is amiss. The scale just isn’t going downward and they aren’t getting the results they were hoping for.

    What gives?

    Often, the big problem is not their effort or motivation. The problem is that they are letting certain foods into their diet plan that are sabotaging their results. Often these foods are designed to be fat loss foods but they really aren’t. Instead, they’re holding you back from success.

    What are these foods? Let’s go over three foods that you need to cut out of your diet immediately.

    Fruit Flavored Yogurts

    Fruit flavored yogurts are a favorite among many dieters but little do they know they’re digging into pint-sized sugar bombs each time they eat a small container.

    Next time you’re picking out your favorite yogurt, double check the sugar content. You might just find yourself surprised to know there are 15 or more grams of sugar per serving.

    Of course you can purchase the sugar-free varieties, but then you’ll be taking in a number of unwanted artificial sweeteners, which can be just as bad for you.

    Instead, opt for plain Greek yogurt. Flavor it yourself by adding a handful of fresh berries.

    Fat-Free Products

    Next up on the list of foods that you want to get out of your diet plan are any products that are built to be “fat free.” These often state that they are fat free on the label and are proud of it.

    But ask yourself, if the fat is removed, what is added? Something had to be added otherwise these just wouldn’t taste good.

    The answer to that is sugar. Sugar has often been added to these foods and is what is causing them to still taste appealing.

    And, if you are trying to lose body fat, sugar is just as bad — if not worse — than fat is.

    Protein Bars

    Finally, the last of the foods that you need to be careful about including in your diet plan are protein bars. These may seem like a great option since they do contain protein and you’re probably trying to get more protein into your day.

    But once again, you need to check that sugar content. Most protein bars are upwards of 15 grams of sugar or more per bar. Some measure in as high as 30 or even 40 grams of sugar depending on the calorie content.

    In actuality, these aren’t much more than a glorified chocolate bar. While you can buy a few bars that do keep the sugar content very low (five grams or less per bar), you need to search for those. Be careful about buying these bars.

    So there are three foods that you may be currently eating that could be causing you some issues. Are any of these in your diet?

    If you want to learn the two must-eat foods that will help catapult fat loss into high gear, make sure that you check out The 3 Week Diet which goes over the harmful and helpful foods for weight loss.

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  • To really see best results from any diet plan you choose to use, you need to learn a few “diet commandments.” These are guidelines that must be followed if you are going to see superior results that will help propel you forward.

    Sadly, many people miss out on one or more of these and it greatly costs them their success.

    Want to learn more? Check out the list of five commandments below.

    Thou Shall Eat More Protein

    Of all the foods that you could eat while on a fat loss diet, protein is perhaps the most important. Protein helps combat hunger, it helps stabilize blood glucose levels, and it helps prevent lean muscle mass loss. This in turn helps speed up your metabolism and accelerates the process of fat loss.

    Don’t let your diet intake fall short. Aim to eat some protein in each and every meal and snack that you consume.

    Thou Shall Eat Regularly

    While the concept that your metabolism will increase the more often you eat isn’t entirely accurate — as the boost you get after a meal is directly related to the size of that meal — eating regularly does help to keep hunger at bay.

    By feeding your body frequently throughout the day, you’ll help avoid food cravings and energy lows, making it that much easier to stick to your diet program.

    Thou Shall Prioritize Fresh Foods

    When selecting your foods, eating fresh is a must. We live in a world where processed foods are around every corner and just waiting to cause us weight gain.

    Eliminate these and you’ll really give your diet a boost. Focus on foods in their natural state — fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats and oils, and lean proteins.

    If you only make one change to your diet plan, make it this one.

    Thou Shall Set Short-Term Goals

    One diet rule that you should abide by and follow is to always set short-term goals for yourself. Think about what you are doing in the here and now, not months from now. It’s too easy to lose sight of your goals if they are going to take place six months to a year down the road.

    Try thinking in three-week segments. Three weeks is about how long it takes for good habits to form, so it is the perfect amount of time to build behaviors that will stand the test of time.

    This is precisely why The 3 Week Diet was created. It will help you stay motivated and consistent until you don’t even have to think about making those changes any longer. They’ll just be automatic.

    Thou Shall Stop Comparisons

    Finally, stop comparing yourself to others. Realize that this is your own journey and your own body. It’s unlike anyone else’s so you simply can’t expect to see the same results as everyone else.

    Instead, start comparing yourself today to yourself from yesterday. That will give you all the details you need to know. If each day you are getting better, you are successful in your journey.

    So keep these diet commandments in mind. Focus on these and you can feel confident that you are headed in the right direction.

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  • Sep 7th 2019 at 3:53 PM
    The 3 Week Diet Plan

    The 3 Week Diet

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  • Provillus Hair Loss Treatment for Women. Discover why more women are turning to PROVILLUS to PREVENT HAIR LOSS and REGROW HAIR with the only FDA APPROVED ingredient on the.....

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  • Sep 7th 2019 at 10:40 AM

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  • Sep 7th 2019 at 10:33 AM

    Provillus Hair Loss Treatment. Discover why more people are turning to PROVILLUS to PREVENT HAIR LOSS and REGROW HAIR with the only FDA APPROVED ingredient on the market.

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  • Sep 7th 2019 at 9:37 AM Business Opportunity

    Market and promote the world's leading Health and Beauty Affiliate Program and make 5% of all rev share referred webmasters. Market Health is now the world's largest integrated online marketing company in the health and beauty industry. The Market Health Affiliate Program allows you to market and promote the world’s leading health and beauty offers on the net. We offer the highest paying affiliate commissions and the most advance tracking software in our industry. Choose from over 50 offers which include herbal supplements, skin care, vitamins, beauty products, health care, weight loss and more...

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  • Digestit Colon Cleanse - Belgium 🇧🇪

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  • Sep 7th 2019 at 9:18 AM
    Multi Vitamin for Her

    Our Women's Formula contains a specially formulated combination of adaptogenic herbs, vitamins and minerals to meet the unique nutritional needs of women, while balancing the hormone system,

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  • Sep 7th 2019 at 9:12 AM
    Joint Advance

    Joint Advance is a unique advanced formula especially created with you in mind. There are many joint supplements on the market today. But Joint Advance is ahead of all of them because it has so many all-natural herbal ingredients.

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  • Sep 7th 2019 at 9:05 AM
    Hypercet Cholesterol Formula

    Cholesterol Affiliate Program. Natural support for you cholesterol. The Hypercet cholesterol Formula acts as a general tonic supporting the cardiovascular system. Supports good and bad cholesterol levels within the normal range along with he ability to deal with harmful free radicals.

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  • Sep 7th 2019 at 9:00 AM
    Hypercet Blood Pressure Formula

    Hypercet Blood Pressure Affiliate Program. Hypercet maintains blood pressure within the normal range. Supports systemic balance in the cardiovascular system responsible for regulating blood flow and healthy blood pressure. Supports healthy circulation and coronary artery health.

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  • Sep 7th 2019 at 8:48 AM
    Raspberry Ketone Max

    Raspberry ketone is a natural phenolic compound that is the primary aroma compound of red raspberries. We use 100% pure ingredients and don’t add any artificial stimulants, additives, or fillers to our formulas. All of our products are inspected by a GMP-certified independent lab registered to ensure we are delivering the best, purest and most potent ingredients right to your door.

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  • Sep 7th 2019 at 8:40 AM
    Garcinia Ultra Pure

    The Garcinia Ultra Pure Weight Loss Program is combined with an exciting new breakthrough ingredient that comes with a complete online comprehensive diet and weight loss program to help you.

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  • Sep 7th 2019 at 8:33 AM

    Do you find it difficult to eat a healthy diet because you are concerned about carbs? If you said yes then you are not alone. Now with our new Dietrine Carb Blocker we offer a 100% safe and stimulant free natural product.

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  • Sep 6th 2019 at 2:51 PM
    California Bioenergy Skin Care

    California Bioenergy™ is the first California-based start-up to focus the full power of biotech on beauty and skin care. Pioneering the science of bioenergy, California Bioenergy has discovered a new way for you to reenergize your skin and reverse the signs of aging at the cellular level! Dramatically transforming the look and feel of your skin… for a more youthful, vibrant complexion… and younger looking, younger acting skin.

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  • Sep 6th 2019 at 2:47 PM
    Bowtrol Probiotic

    STOP Painful Digestive Problems And Boost your immune system with America’s Number 1 probiotic supplement.

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  • Sep 6th 2019 at 2:29 PM
    Ketosis Advanced

    Ketosis Advanced is a natural phenolic compound that is the primary aroma compound of red raspberries. We use 100% pure ingredients and don’t add any artificial stimulants, additives, or fillers to our formulas. All of our products are inspected by a GMP-certified independent lab registered to ensure we are delivering the best, purest and most potent ingredients right to your door.

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  • Sep 6th 2019 at 2:15 PM
    Revitol Phytoceramides Solution

    Market the leading Phytoceramides Affiliate Program. Phytoceramides have been featured on TV across the world and has now been coined the “Natural Facelift” by a popular TV Doctor. Revitol Phytoceramides is a cutting edge anti wrinkle ingestible and topical solution which can help you look younger and more beautiful by reducing the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and other effects of aging.This revolutionary anti aging solution utilizes the most advanced ingredients available today. The active ingredients not only help to firm, hydrate, and tighten facial skin but also help to repair the appearance of fines lines.

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  • Sep 6th 2019 at 2:07 PM
    Eye Cream by Revitol

    Surgery Can't Fix Dark Circles and Puffy Eyes! Finally, researchers have developed a product to combine a scientifically advanced proven compound to reduce those dark under-eye circles and puffiness and simultaneously reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, resulting in noticeably younger looking eyes.

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  • Sep 6th 2019 at 2:01 PM
    Dermology Acne Treatment

    The Dermology Acne solution is a revolutionary acne skin care system formulated to treat acne from the inside-out. The Dermology Acne Solution is not just another topical acne treatment product. It is an entire skin care management system that finds the source of your acne and not only heals the blemishes you have, but also treats future outbreaks that you don't even see yet!

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  • Sep 6th 2019 at 1:53 PM
    Cellulite Solution by Revitol

    Revitol Cellulite Cream is a revolutionary scientific breakthrough for controlling unsightly cellulite and eliminating inches. Revitol Cellulite Removal Cream permits you to spot reduce in more

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  • Sep 6th 2019 at 1:43 PM
    Anti Aging Solution by Dermology

    This is a complete anti-aging formula that uses only the finest natural ingredients to reduce the appearance of aging and restore the vitality of your skin.

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  • Sep 6th 2019 at 1:34 PM

    Revitol provides a full line of exlusive natural skin care products. Customers will find Anti Aging Solutions, Cellulite and Stretchmark Treatments, Acne Treatments and More...

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  • Sep 6th 2019 at 1:26 PM
    Acnezine Solution

    The Acnezine solution is a revolutionary acne skin care system formulated to treat acne from the inside-out. The Acnezine Solution is not just another topical acne treatment product. It is an entire skin care management system that finds the source of your acne and not only heals the blemishes you have, but also treats future outbreaks that you don't even see yet! The risk free trial is shown in the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and all EU countries

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  • With a big number of link exchange scripts on the market it is vitally important to know what factors differ a good script from a script that will waste link building campaign and threaten the success of your whole site's existence. You can use this review as a list of checkpoints to qualify any link exchange tool for professionalism and effectivity.

    Crucial factors of link building:
    (1) Quality and relevancy of link partners.
    (2) SEO nature of link exchange directory and its pages.
    (3) Expenses on link building and link management.
    (4) Link exchange conversions.

    Let's make a step by step testdrive for Auto Link Exchanger over these points so that you could apply the same strategy for estimating other link building solutions.

    (1) Quality and relevancy of link partners.

    No doubts. The quality of links is a huge advantage. Search engines will not penalize a site for having backlinks on bad sites as you physically cannot control all sites that link to you. But if you are reciprocating to these sites and these sites don't have relation to your niche or don't have much trust - your link building can become a big trouble.

    When Google is estimating the page to which you are reciprocating, their bots take into account (a) page rank of that page, (b) trust rank of the site, (c) relevancy. Auto Link Exchanger applies the same principles as its searching algorithm finds relevant sites and places link on pages that are nicely indexed and properly represent their niche. You can even choose Auto Link Exchanger's setting to pick sites that are higher than PR 2 or 3 or 5 - up to you.

    (2) SEO nature of link exchange directory and its pages.

    The old days when links could be piled on category pages are over. Search engines will not penalize you for it. But those who use the latest SEO fashion to create link directory pages get solid advantage over those who create old style SEO-weak directories.

    Close to a must today is having keywords in category titles, descriptions, URLs, in the content on the pages. Plus it is also crucial to blend relevant content with links right on the pages. Pages should have RSS feeds.

    Auto Link Exchanger automated all these factors. With a number of settings made the tool is automatically creating SEO-wise pages, updates RSS feeds to search engines, delivers relevant news on pages and blends them with links. Also gives extra visibility to links by automatically showing PR picture and Alexa Rank close to each site.

    (3) Expenses on link building and link management.

    Link exchange is expensive: find links, exchange them, create link directory, control the links on other sites - this can turn into a big monthly budget on SEO team. You can cut down these expenses if you do all these jobs yourself, but you must be prepared to spend most of your daily time on this job.

    Auto Link Exchanger automates most of the link building processes that include: building link directory, integrating necessary SEO elements into it, finding link partners, managing link exchange, controlling the backlinks. The only aspect that site owner should do with Auto Link Exchanger is installing the script and making its settings.

    (4) Link exchange conversions.

    Link exchange conversions are one of the biggest despairs of link building. Old-fashioned procedure of sending beggy email and waiting when someone will build links with your site gives very low conversions. Even if you make your emails customized it gives around 10% of clicks on these emails, and only part of opened emails will give you link exchanges. This results in very low percentage of successful link exchange conversions.

    Auto Link Exchanger uses revolutionary principle of finding link partners that gives 50-60% link exchange conversions. And this is without sending beggy emails. The tool is shortcutting you directly to the pages and your links get on them - webmasters just need to approve which happens within first 15 minutes - up to several days. In some niches 80% conversions were reached with Auto Link Exchanger's link building.

    Using the same factors you can scale the value of other link building solutions on the market.

    And if you want to test advantages of Auto Link Exchanger in action, you can get a free copy of this tool here:

    Free Link Exchange Software

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  • We all know batteries are expensive and prices keep going up.

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  • Aug 16th 2019 at 1:52 PM
    Recommended Safelists

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    Hope you like and feel free to post your favourites in comment
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  • Aug 16th 2019 at 1:35 PM
    What to do with emails

    Get paid for something you do everyday and that’s reading emails. Recommended by a friend, this one pays you for reading emails from their advertisers. It’s particularly good for newbies or people that haven’t made any money online yet, it’s a sure thing here. Check it out now, oh by the way you don’t get bombarded, just one handful aday or every other day. Take a look on the link below.

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  • Aug 10th 2019 at 8:44 AM
    Ive Had Enough To Eat Thank You

    Who do you love and what are you doing about it?

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  • Aug 10th 2019 at 8:42 AM
    Perfect Food

    What life lesson did you learn the hard way?

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  • Aug 10th 2019 at 8:38 AM
    I’m Starving!

    What’s the most sensible thing you’ve ever heard someone say?

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