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Ottfried Bach
Ottfried Bach

Country: PH

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Hello my dear colleagues, I am new here and would like to introduce myself. My name is Ottfried Bach, I come from Germany and live for 8 years in the Philippines. In Germany I was also a businessman, run a travel agency, massage studio and import articles from all over the world. Since the launch of the EUROS, the business has gone downhill and before I go bankrupt, I have decided to emigrate. Not only because of the economic situation, also my health was marked by too much work, moved me to leave Germany. Here in the Filippines, I started looking around and quickly realized that my ability to earn money was only available on the internet. That's how I started working as a freelance and continued to look around, especially in affiliate programs.Are you Hungry For Hits?  Join and get quality traffic!  Build your list with Hungry For Hits   Great traffic, unique games, advanced features and super simple to use!


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