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Randall Wiley

Country: US

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I am an 80's kid, born in Weatherford Oklahoma, USA, raised in Montrose, Colorado, USA, but have lived in Denver, Colorado, USA since my teens.


I am married 26 years now as of June 2023, and in the past I have worked in both the bowling and pay TV industry. I have one son who is just recently graduated high school and also just moved out on his own.


I am a big sports enthusiast and can regularly be seen at games here in Denver that involve my teams, the Broncos, Avalanche, and Rockies.

I love bowling and in fact have 3 perfect 300 games in my lifetime.
I have traveled to many states to bowl in National tournaments and while never took first,
had a lot of fun participating. I am also a big movie fan, and will enjoy a plethera of different genre's as enterainment in my spare time.


Since I was a kid I had been dealing with kidney problems in some fashion. Well in 2019 itcame to the point I needed a kidney transplant. I had already been on the waiting list accruing time since 2012. I was just about to start dialysis whenI got the call for a donor. I had a successful transplant and recovery and so far Grover (the kidney) is doing awesome. I cannot think the donors family enough...


I have been in and out of marketing from 2008 to 2013. I was like a lot of us, struggling along joining everything and all the cool new shiny objects in site. But that all changed in 2018 when I came across a 20 year program called Secrets of the Big Dogs, which many of you may have heard of or even been a part of since it has been around so long. I can happily say as of 2020 I work full time (thanks to Secrets Of The Big Dogs) from home and I have loved every minute of it. You will see I like to focus on more universal products like traffic, and marketing tools that help create residual inncome!

Secrets Of The Big Dogs completely changed my mindset from a program hopping, shiny object seeker, to a full time business building, focused, and affiliate markeing machine! Being immune compromised from the transplant it is much better for me to stay home then work in a public setting,which is why online marketing is my passion now. Big Dogs allowed me to expand and join many other quality traffic sites and it helped inspire and create my own
Traffic Prosperity Funnel!


Click the link to see why I promote Secret Of The Big Dogs-One Of The
Best Universal Products We All Need And Can Use To Build
Some Nice Lines Of Residual Income!


Click HERE ===> Secrets Of The Big Dogs


My Very Own Creation Using Leadsleap - Your Traffic Prosperity Success Plan

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Build Some Very Lucrative Downlines Using Leadsleap-One Of The Best Tools
For Marketing And Building Your List!


Click HERE!===> My Top Leadsleap Funnels That Convert!


Here is a sweet downline builder that gives you control of your downline building.
See how I use this to increase my Secrets Of The Big Dogs sales even more!


Click HERE===> Prosperity Marketing System


Anyway that is the jist. Have a great day! Reach out
if you have any questions, or just want to say hi!

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