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Maketta Abdullah

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My name is Maketta and I'm a blogger/internet marketer. I am the author of the blog Money To Be Made.  It has a lot of good tips and tools and resources for your business. 

Learn how to blog, get traffic, utilize social media , and stay motivated on your journey to being a successful internet marketer. 


 I have been blogging since 2006 and my first blog was a natural health blog. I love blogging and internet marketing. It's a great way to make money online. It's great to be able to work from the comfort of my own home. It doesn't get any better then that! I'm sure you would agree with me as I know you too are working online.


I will be sharing some ways that you can get traffic to your business! These advertising sites not only get you traffic but you can also make money. So, you are getting double the benefits. What I like about them are they offer upgrades and many are just a one-time fee. No monthly fees at all! So, you will not be breaking your bank account when you join these programs. If you cannot upgrade with them all at the same time. Pick a few of them and upgrade. This way you can get the full benefits of some of these sites. Free is good but it comes a time when we have to invest in ourselves and in our business. 


Building a list is also important. If you haven't already done so, you might want to get started today. If you are struggling to build one and need help doing so you should learn how using this list building system. You will get tips, techniques, and resources that will help you build your list easily. Also, grab a cool download "31 Days To List Profits". I'm sure you have been on other marketers list and have even ordered from them. So, you know how having a list of your own is very beneficial.  Signup and become a member of List Building Resources and get access to all of these great features of this list building system. 


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Two things that go hand in hand that you love to hear in internet marketing. That you can get paid to send your ands and do it daily. Well, your prayers have been answered. At CashAdPop you can do both. This is an internet marketer's dream and now it is your reality. Join CashAdPop right now!


Another advertising site is called Free advertising for you. This site is awesome! You can earn your pro upgrade by being an active member.  You can earn credits and win prizes by browsing ads. You can create a personalized profile box with your favorite links.  You can also buy advertising with ad credits, cash or bitcoin.  Promo code for joining is welcome for an adpack that includes 1 solo and then use 50KBonus for 50,000 bonus credits. Don't delay. Click Here To Join.




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