Submit Ads 4 Free And Build You!
Here I am in my office working hard with my team. As a Traffic Exchange Owner/Admin and team member, I actively promote my members daily. In fact, this page you’re reading now was specially coded to show off a new form of advertising at AND promote my member's text ad widgets for them.
This is one of a kind traffic on the web today. Every time someone new sees this page one of my members is earning impressions for the ad views from the widget below. I made this page because not all of my members can show a widget somewhere or have a website. This page will rotate through all of the member's widgets to be fair.
This page also shows regular text and banner ads from all members of traffic exchange co-op. ALL members receive some FREE traffic from many different sites where admin promotes, All YOU have to do is STAY ACTIVE & keep 1 credit/Imps on your ads. Upgrade and get even more traffic, but even free members get free referrals! It is co-op all the way here.
I have gotten well over 1000 sign-ups this year so far. You? You can surf all day long and not get sign-ups. Or, you can surf all day long and get sign-ups all day long. In other words just because you do one does not mean you get the other. What matters is how many exchanges, when, which exchanges, AND knowing IF the traffic you're getting at that time is valuable.
The way that other advertisers use the traffic exchanges matters. And, to further complicate things advertisers tend to surf differently at other exchanges at varying times... lots of variables for sure!
It is your job as the person building the business to figure all of this out. So, Submit Ads 4 Free will help with this. A feature is called tracking. You have undoubtedly been told before. Find it, use it, love it. Try The Real Tracker or our in-house version. Use this to promote your links to track where you're getting traffic. Use the auto-conversion feature when promoting using the tracking link to know where your sign-ups come from.
If you make habbits of simple things you will get really great results. Use the TE downline builder at to manage the TE's your a member of, for example or just get Lost in Ad Spaces and play The Food Game, along with TE Command Post. You will be amazed at how well this can work. You can also try out Referral Builder Elite, another great DLB+. All of these sites WILL help you manage aspects of your business and help you grow.
Just log in daily click on TE Downline Builder and scroll down to your 1 st site. Right click each banner to open each new site in a new window. Sign-up if you are not yet a member and surf the qualifying number of sites to activate your account and get your bonus.
If you surf 25 or more each day on all of the sites, your success rate will be tremendous. Remember it's all about having the credits on hand to show your ad when you think the time is right. The more organized you are and the more consistent you are the better you will become and the better you will do. PERIOD. Pay attention to the speed at which your credits are spent at sites. If credits don't move in a week it's bad, but if they only move -10 a day that is not a bad thing. Small sites can be very active, just not at the same time as others.
Before I close this I would also like to say something about the Forever Free Text Ad System that I created at I surf all over the place, in the big sites and the small. Both equally valuable. But the way the ads are shown can be so "the same" that people do not see them or just mentally block them out. I wanted to create some type of advertising that was free, forever with no credits that would have value and avoid that exact pitfall.
Here is a sample Forever Free Ad from one of our members >> This Really Works Month After Month
And the way that members get true value from this is where they are shown, not the fact that it never even requires one credit. No, it is out in the wild across hundreds of sites each day, that is true value.
Click Here To Add Your Own Forever Free Ad At Submit Ads 4 Free Today!
I hope this short read that I have prepared here will help someone grow their online business and at the very least, give them a way to submit ads 4 free. Questions? Reach out to me through where you can find multiple ways to communicate such as chat in surf or email, toll-free phone, private messages and even a cell # if you look around enough. I would like to hear from anyone who wants help or even just say hello!! Thank you for reading this, here is a treat for those that made it WAY DOWN HERE :-). 1k credits >> surf code Ibtm1. Admin Ian