Cris Wood
Cris's Interests
Internet marketing and traffic generation are my online passions. Owner of viral mailer, and admin at 4 other mailers. Love surfing to catch up on what others are doing when I have extra time.
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  • Cris's Blog

  • Dec 24th 2023 at 6:03 AM
    Getting Ready For 2024

    One week to go till a new year starts. Are you ready?

    I've got my new DayTimer, and this year I'm doing the one with 2 pages per day. Every day keeps getting busier and I found that one page wasn't cutting it anymore.

    Will be launching 3 advertising sites in 2024. Very excited about this! I had a traffic exchange about 16 years ago. I loved it, but it never had the chance to grow. Personal issues at home put me in a different direction.

    So I am ready and can't wait to become part of this world again.

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  • May 30th 2023 at 2:41 AM
    A Work From Home Biz Opp Test

    These posts are time and date stamped, so I figure it's a perfect place to start logging my adventure into a biz opp that raises flags, yet peaks my interest at the same time.

    It has been around for about 7 years now and I've been following a couple of reputable internet marketers who have been in it for quite a few years and doing very well with it. I signed up under one of them.

    So first things first. Being an internet marketer and primarily focused on re-building my list, I tend to stay in the traffic generation areas of the web. Places like this, HungryForHits, and a multitude of other great online sites that bring eyeballs and signups to my lead capture and splash pages.

    However, my mom, who is 82 and still sharp of mind, was looking for something to do online that could earn her some extra money. I didn't want to overwhelm her with the details of building a list and navigating thru dozens of traffic-generating sites. So I started searching for traditional work-from-home offerings. And I don't need to tell you that there are plenty to choose from lol.

    One of the forums I have been recently frequenting, (one of Darren Olander's suite of sites) has a section on programs that are available to sign up for. I came across one that really caught my eye. The marketing pitch is very early web... but it had a retro feel to me, kind of like the old fashioned stuff envelopes from home and sew together baby booties programs of yore. I'm old enough to say that I remember my mom sitting at the kitchen table stuffing envelopes, and going thru a phase of sewing up baby bootie pieces and sending them back to the company. Of course, those were the days before mass machine automation and the internet. These were legit work from home jobs and she got checks in the mail like clockwork. I've wandered down memory lane here, so back to the subject!

    As I said, I just recently joined this program and am still researching everything I can about it. It has a free option, so there isn't any pressure to hurry up and start upgrading. As a matter of fact, since signing up I haven't been receiving any marketing pushes from the company to hurry up and upgrade. I've only received the welcome email with login info.

    I will be upgrading to a comfortable level for me. I am pretty heavy into the defi crypto space, so my tolerance for risk is fairly high and am going in with eyes open on this one. Will post updates as I progress.

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  • Apr 29th 2023 at 10:06 PM
    Still Debating

    I'm still debating on whether or not to start up either a safelist or TE... I have a good domain name that would fit either.. just haven't decided yet. There is so much work involved in running these types of sites.. it's not just slap up a script and hope people come and buy. Need to build community and loyalty. Keep the site updated and fun, as well as productive. That's what I really like about HungryForHIts.. it just feels comfortable and engaging.

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  • Apr 1st 2023 at 5:00 PM
    Getting Back Into The TE World

    I've been online for a long time and used to be a TE junky.. every TE that came to life, I joined! Finally, life caught up to me and I had to put most of my online plans and activities on the backburner, tho I always plunked around with new technologies and programs that would interest me for the moment. Now I'm more settled in, semi-retired, and getting back into the online world I'm very comfortable with.. web promotion and crypto. HungryforHits has always been one of my favorites.. too bad I can't recall my original account - that would be a blast from the past :D

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Cris's RSS Feed
Getting Ready For 2024
Dec 24th 2023 at 6:03 AM
A Work From Home Biz Opp Test
May 30th 2023 at 2:41 AM
Still Debating
Apr 29th 2023 at 10:06 PM
Getting Back Into The TE World
Apr 1st 2023 at 5:00 PM
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