A harmonized mind produces harmony in this world of seeming discord.
— Paramahansa Yogananda - 1983-1952 - First major Indian Teacher to settle in America
Insightoftheday com
Historical Events
1776 George Washington asks for a spy, Nathan Hale volunteers
1813 American naval commander Oliver Hazard Perry defeats the British in the Battle of Lake Erie
1846 Elias Howe takes out a US patent for a lockstitch sewing machine
1924 Leopold and Loeb are found guilty of the murder of Robert Franks in Chicago in "the crime of the century"
2008 The Large Hadron Collider at CERN, described as the biggest scientific experiment in the history of mankind, is powered up in Geneva, Switzerland
2020 California's August Complex wildfire becomes the largest recorded in state history at 471,000 acres (736 square miles)
onthisday com
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. — Proverbs 9:10
verseoftheday com
“When you pray, you speak with God, when you read, God speaks to you.”
— St. Cyprian
Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends You, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.
- Psalms 139:23-24 (NLT)
69 degrees this morning at 7:00 AM Sunny & Hot. Had 2 eggs, 2 sausages, brown rice, salsa and hot coffee. Woo Hoo! Feeling good, walking 20 minutes on my treadmill and will be on the computer for 4 hours (marketing & games), then relax, listen to podcasts, watch movies & YouTube. Woo Hoo!
Thank you for stopping by and checking out today’s post and all the other updated posts below, I enjoy treasure hunting online and finding new ways to share my findings.
It’s another beautiful day ahead, make it a fun and loving day…
Robert Moreno :)
Team Traffic Warriors
Note to TE Owners: Email remains powerful and key to generating activity…incorporate specific keywords in your email SUBJECT LINE (Promo Code, Ratio Boost, Signup Bonus, Contest, Bingo, etc.) so your members and audience can quickly identify and filter target offerings for the day, week, or monthly.
Take control of your finances… Check out these 7 Baby Steps and make sure you’re on the right track.
Bookmark this page as I will be updating it daily and at times throughout the day with great 1:1 & other value promos I come across while I’m surfing and building my traffic and social network.
Surf 150 - Happy Hour (2 x your surf ratio for 1 hour) - Promo Code.
Surf 100 = $0.03 Daily - Automatically Receive
All active members qualify for monthly $2.00 Toonie Lottery
Take A Break Special
Surf 50 pages - 25,50,100,$0.03 - Automatically Receive
Surf 50 pages - 25,50,100,$0.03 - Automatically Receive
Surf 50 pages - 25,50,100,$0.03 - Automatically Receive
Surf 50 pages - 25,50,100,$0.03 - Automatically Receive
Rewarding Tuesday
Top 5 surfers get rewarded with:
1st Place: 500,250,250,+$0.50
2nd Place: 250,200,200,+$0.25
3rd Place: 200,150,150,+$0.15
4th Place: 150,100,100,+$0.10
5th Place: 100,50,50,+$0.05
**All Top 5 winners get cash into their commission accounts!**
Be sure to check your email from your favorite TE’s for other Special Tuesday Promo’s
Stop by the Member’s Home Page for additional details, promo codes, and more!
Review Surfer Rewards Page for additional Daily Cross Promos.
Remember to claim your Surfer Rewards after surfing!
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Woo Hoo! Surf’s Up! Make it a GREAT Day! :)
1:1 Surf Ratio: Surf 100 = $0.03 Daily
1:1 Surf Ratio
1:1 Surf Ratio
1:1 Surf Ratio
1:1 Surf Ratio
1:1 Surf Ratio: Surf 100 = 100 Daily
1:1 Surf Ratio
1:1 Surf Ratio
First 300 People To Join Receives A Free 3 Months Silver Upgrade!
1:1 Surf Ratio: After the first 20 pages Daily!
1:1 Surf Ratio: Daily Surf Reward - Surf 500 pages - 500 Credits
1:1 Surf Ratio: Daily Surf Reward - Surf 1,000 pages - 1 Mo. Upgrade + Ad Pkg 1000/1000/1000/1000/0.10
Once A Month Special
INGA OZ - Monthly Promo Code - 300 credits for traffic exchanges listed - https://ingaoz.top
Once you join be sure to whitelist and create a folder for each TE’s emails
Be sure to check your emails from your favorite TE’s daily for other Special Daily Promo’s
Stop by the Member’s Home Page for additional details, promo codes, and more!
Always Review Surfer Rewards Page for Staus & Last Minute Daily Cross Promos.
Be on the lookout for Team Traffic Warrors!
Join any Team and earn extra credits!…
Signup Bonus: 2,000 Credits!
Signup Bonus: 1,500 Credits!
Signup Bonus: $3.00 + 1,000 Credits!
Signup Bonus: $3.00 + 1,000 Credits!
Signup Bonus: $1.00 + 1,000 Credits!
Signup Bonus: $1.00 + 1,000 Credits!
Signup Bonus: 1,000 Credits!
Signup Bonus: 1,000 Credits!
Signup Bonus: 1,000 Credits!
Signup Bonus: 1,000 Credits!
Signup Bonus: 1,000 Credits!
Signup Bonus: 1,000 Credits!
Signup Bonus: 1,000 Credits!
Signup Bonus: 1,000 Credits!
Signup Bonus: $7.00 + 1,000 Credits Monthly!
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