Hi folks,
Bit late with this, but got it done anyway.
A few days ago I posted about the upcoming Real Ale Fesival hosted at the Wetherspoon chain of pubs in the UK and Republic of Ireland. It's officially due to commence on Wednesday 30th March, featuring 22 Real Ales from around the UK and 3 from international brewers.
However, I got a bit of a surprise on a recent visit to one of my usual watering holes, as I found that they had started early and had one of the festival ales available to try, and conveniantly it conicided with #BeerSaturday.
So my first beer of the festival was Saltaire Brewery's lavishly titled Banquet (3.8% ABV). The supplied tasing notes describe it as a "new British session bitter, brewed exclusively for this festival is copper coloured and brewed with classic British hop varieties resulting in a honey-sweet and delicate spiced bitterness, balanced against a bready malt base".
Hops used : Admiral, Challenger, Goldings
My personal obversations are that it is a deep, clear copper coloured ale that has a light floral aroma, a not overpowering spicy flavour, and a pleasant sweetness on the tongue, The head, an off white colour, holds well down the glass. Extremely refreshing, and withs its relatively low ABV a definite winner for a "session" beer - I did go back for a second and totally enjoyed that one too. I scored it an 8 out of 10.
So that's 1 down and a mere 24 to go. An excellent (allbeit early) start to the festival.
Cheers and happy #BeerSaturday
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