Grant Rayner
Green Road, New Brunswick, Canada
Grant's Interests
Personal development; health & wellness; metaphysics/law of attraction.

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  • Grant's Blog

  • Jan 22nd 2022 at 6:43 PM

    Are you committed to building an online
    business? I mean truly committed? Many
    people fool themselves into thinking
    that they are in business but are not
    really doing what is required to succeed.

    Part of the problem with commitment is
    that you can join many, if not most,
    online programs for free. Being a free
    member at an affiliate program, let's
    face it, does not provide you with
    a great deal of motivation. Unlike
    the entrepreneur who decides to start
    her or his own restaurant must invest
    many thousands of dollars in rent,
    utilities, inventory, and so on. That
    level of investment is a great
    motivational force. Many owners
    of restaurants put in very long hours
    during the week if they hope to succeed.

    Accordingly, if you hope to succeed online
    you must be prepared to truly treat your
    business as just that...a business. So, if
    you haven't already, make that
    commitment today. So doing will
    dramatically improve your chances
    of succeeding online.


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