John RubinoSmith
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  • Facebook is the world's biggest social media platform bar none. There are 2.7 billion people using Facebook currently.

    Can Facebook work for Internet Marketers?

    If you have used Facebook previously and had limited success then you might be excused to think that promoting there is a waste of time.

    But one thing is certain there is a big opportunity for Internet Marketers on Facebook.

    Why do people come to Facebook?

    The primary reason people are there is to be:
    - educated or informed
    - connected with friends and family
    - entertained

    Notice that being sold a business opportunity is not one of the three main reasons why people come to Facebook.

    So promoting your link on Facebook to all and sundry is doomed to fail.

    Whatever, you do not turn your personal newsfeed into an advertising billboard. Trust me, it does not work.

    So how do you go about promoting on Facebook?

    You first need to create an eye-catching profile. You have literally 5-7 seconds to catch someone's attention. And there are some key elements that are non-negotiable:

    - Cover Photo: treat this as your business card and sales funnel. You can have a cover photo done on Canva or you could head over to Fiverr and get a designer to create one for you.

    _ Profile photo: this should not be a photo of your dog or cat. It needs to be your photo showing your face and hopefully with a smile. People need to know who you are.

    - Intro: it needs to tell people what you are about.

    People tend to do business with people they know, like, and trust. So make sure you invest time in making your profile stand out.

    So what next?

    Have you spent hours on Facebook chasing friends and family? And how did that work out for you? Let me guess: did they start to dislike you and maybe you have even had people blocking you?

    What do you think is better? Do you want to be the hunter who is shunned by everyone or do you want to become the hunted? The Internet Marketer that people want to do business with?

    If you want to become the hunted on Facebook then you need to be doing Attraction Marketing. This where people come to you and ask you what you do.

    There are 4 key phases in Attraction Marketing:

    - Build Your Audience: add people to your friend's list. You need eyeballs on what you have to offer.

    - Provide Valuable Content: your content serves as a hook designed to grab your reader's attention and keep them coming to your profile.

    - Engage with your audience: Facebook is a social platform. So if people comment on your content, what should you do? Respond to their comments.

    - Sell to your audience: a sales pitch straight out of the gate will not work. But if you provide your audience will valuable content nobody will begrudge when the odd post is promotional.

    In the world of Facebook Marketing, your content will either make or break you.

    Most marketers apply the following formula when creating content:

    - Results: you want to showcase your results if you can. It gives social proof.

    - Lifestyle: just as people want to see what you look like, they are also curious as to what you do in your spare time. So indulge them. Share what you get up to with your audience.

    - Value: your value posts are designed to preframe or prequalify your audience as to what you have to offer and how it can benefit them.

    When done correctly, Attraction Marketing is an extremely powerful tool.

    Earlier this year, I generated hundreds of leads directly from my Facebook profile for one business opportunity. So free organic traffic from Facebook is not to be scoffed at.

    If you would like help with creating content for Facebook that gets your audience reaching out to you, then you can get instant access to a FREE 5 part video series that will teach you how to create great content. No credit card is required.

    Here is the FREE 5 part video series:

    >> <<

    John Rubino-Smith

    1 comments - add a comment
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    Oct 29th 2023 at 5:16 PM by Richard Faller
    These are a few things I have not done for awhile. Have to get back to the basics and do the work. Great post John
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