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Chat information

We have a special chat room for Hungry For Hits members. It appears on the right side of the page when you are surfing, viewing ads to earn credits. It opens automatically, but you can close it by clicking the red X in the top right corner of the chat box.

Your chat account is separate from the rest of your Hungry For Hits account. This is because people can use the chat without being logged in to Hungry For Hits. By default, your chat username is your Hungry For Hits username, but you can select a separate username and password for your chat account. Typically it would be a good idea to use your first name instead of your username.

To change your chat display name, click the green Settings link above the text field where you write a chat message. You can also do it here. Add the information you want to use, then click "Save" and "Return to chat". You can also upload a chat profile picture directly from your computer there, since the chat doesn't automatically add your profile picture from Gravatar like it does for the other places in Hungry For Hits.

To send a message, enter a message in the text field at the top and either press your enter key or click "Send". The chat is only a social feature for networking and entertainment, and you can not promote things in the chat. There is a 20 character limit for each individual word without a space, so if you would try to add a link it would most likely be cut off. Regular conversations are not affected by this.

When you say something in chat, people will be able to click your name and see your Profile page. That means it's a good idea to add something about yourself there, even if you don't actively promote the page.

It is also possible too open the chat in a separate window. This is good if you just want to use it for socializing, but not surf to earn credits. To do this, either click the black "Open" link above the text field, or click here.

Common sense and site terms apply to chat, which means that it is not allowed to spam, insult, comment on race or post anything illegal. Talking about drugs, sex or politics is also highly inappropriate. Please read the Chat rules if you are not sure. To report a member for breaking the chat rules, click the red Report link above the text field. Select the member and insert your reason for reporting the member, and the administrator will review it. Members may get blocked from the chat or have their account suspended for breaking chat rules.

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Chat smileys
Chat profile picture

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