Spartan Dude
Spartan's Interests
Making it online!
Spending time with my grandsons!
Playing hockey!
Spartan's Team
Spartan (Imakemoney) is the team leader of Midnight Marauders

  • Spartan's Blog

  • ✅✅✅ $25 payments sent TO YOU, ALL DAY LONG directly from others?






    If so, then check out this NEW direct payment program
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    This is where YOU collect $25 payments ALL DAY LONG!

    Just buy in to the program, add your link, and you are good to go!

    Nothing could be EASIER!


    Go get your link here:

    This works!


    add a comment
  • Feb 16th 2023 at 9:11 PM

    *** GUARANTEED TRAFFIC 2 Your Sites Here!

    Forget about everything uou know about traffic!

    This will change your mind!

    No muss.

    No fuss.

    No B.S.

    Just traffic to your sites!

    Click it on.

    Copy and paste your link into the system, and


    ...traffic to your sites!

    It's THAT EASY!

    Go here now:


    What are you waitng for?

    Go get your traffic!

    Waiting for ya...



    Get Paid to GIVE AWAY My FREE Memberships to Others!

    1 comments - add a comment
  • Jan 13th 2023 at 8:59 PM
    Health & Wellness With a Twist

    >>> Health & Wellness With a Twist <<<

    Make up to $2,047 month after month
    WITHOUT referring anyone - EVER!

    Reserve your position for FREE right away.

    Watch 1OOO's join "after" you in real time.

    Members are earning "WITHOUT" lifting a
    finger - Yes, NO work involved - NONE!

    Check this out "BEFORE" spending a dime!

    This is the most POWERFUL opportunity in
    the World - People's lives WILL be changed

    When you see this in action, you will WANT
    in. Thousands are joining EVERY single day!!


    >>> 100% NO referring required
    >>> NO product purchase required

    You still make up to $2,047 monthly

    People from all over the World are
    flocking-in, but don't take my word
    for it. Take the FREE tour and watch
    what happens. You WILL be blown away!

    You have absolutely nothing to lose. Check
    this out for FREE - It's moving VERY fast!

    Try it out TODAY!



    add a comment
  • re: *FREE* 100+ Quick & Easy Lessons to Build a $1000/m Website (and get traffic...)

    If you want to create a system that
    builds your list, makes sales, upsells,
    delivers products automatically, makes
    affiliate sales and more then look no

    Right now you can join an exclusive
    masterclass that takes you through the
    entire step-by-step process of building
    a REAL internet business from start to

    Here's a sneak preview of what's inside...

    * Introduction to sales funnels and why you need one
    * A step-by-step break down of every part of the process (12 of them...)
    * Tools and software you need to build your empire
    * How to register a profitable domain for your business
    * Simple tricks to minimize costs when selling 100s of products

    * How to create websites fast and effortlessly with templates
    * The 4 must-have files you need for a sales funnel
    * How to name your files and in which order to present them

    * How to write compelling sales letters that sell your product
    * How to create OTO 'one-time offers' and upsells for more profit
    * A proven upsell formula that converts at 20%-40% or more
    * How to redirect customers to the right access page after buying
    * How to create bypass links for your upsell pages

    * How to create thank you pages for every buyer option
    * A simple way to boost your affiliate income after every sale
    * How to create zip files to deliver multiple files together
    * How to add clickable download links to your thank you pages

    * How to create PayPal 'buy now' buttons to sell anything online
    * A simple way to create upsell buttons for your OTOs
    * How to enable auto-return in PayPal to redirect your customers
    * How to add your payment buttons to your sales page and upsell

    * How to create squeeze pages that build your list like crazy!
    * How to develop a 'long' squeeze page that attract more subscribers
    * What free gift to give-away that people find irresistible
    * An effective way to deliver your gift and minimize fake signups

    * How to setup and personalize your autoresponder account
    * Create simple yet highly effective opt-in forms
    * 1 hidden feature you need to disable to get more signups
    * Ways to optimize your opt-in form for highest conversions
    * How to embed your opt-in form into your squeeze page

    * How to write, structure and format your follow-up emails
    * Develop winning email campaigns that boost your sales
    * How to 'prime' your subscribers to buy in your intro email
    * What content to add into your follow-ups for 30-50%+ open-rates
    * How to add emails into your autoresponder sequence effectively

    * How to connect to your server with free FTP software
    * An explanation of the '4 window layout' and functions you need to know
    * How to upload files to your server using 'drag and drop'
    * A simple step-by-step checklist to test that everything works

    And then we'll move on and cover
    everything you need to know about
    getting traffic...

    * How to generate 100% FREE traffic using the 8-Way Traffic Cycle strategy
    * The 1 URL to redirect all your traffic to and why (this will save you years of frustration...)
    * How to 'recycle' content and generate MORE traffic, whilst writing LESS!
    * How to use niche forums to build quality content that will last a lifetime!

    * How to develop EXISTING content to create articles that people want to read
    * How to write, structure and title your articles for MAXIMUM effect
    * Simple 'title tricks' that can generate 200-300 views per article!
    * How to write effective call-to-actions that generate 34%+ CTR!

    * A case study of 2 marketers who have generated over 3,000,000+ free visitors
    * How to compile MULTIPLE pieces of content to produce even MORE traffic
    * How to use graphics, audios and videos to build your online presence
    * 3 Secret letters to create content even FASTER even if you DON'T know the subject

    * How to multiply the 8-Way Traffic Cycle strategy with traffic trades
    * The secret to buying traffic... and getting paid in the process! (a real eye-opener...)
    * A rolodex of all the best sites to submit your content and what keywords to use
    * 2 Must-know places to buy and trade traffic to build your list fast

    * How to plan out a $1000/m sales funnel to achieve your financial goals
    * Reverse engineer a funnel to know EXACTLY how much traffic you need every day
    * 3 Practical things you add to any sales funnel to boost profits instantly
    * How to use F_____ F______ in your business for insane profit (without working harder...)
    * Plus so much more!...

    And can you believe that all this
    information is available for free?

    The amount of value packed into this
    membership is just insane. There are
    courses online now which are charging
    $497 or more just for this information
    and rightly so because when applied it
    will directly impact your income.

    So what's the catch?...

    This will be soon be part of a paid
    product, however more feedback and
    video testimonials are needed.

    So this is your chance to save over
    $497 worth of information right now by
    simply creating a membership account...

    To Your Success,

    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) ¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)

    add a comment
  • .......The Twitter Munney Blueprint.......

    How to Make Money on Twitter (The Lazy Way)

    There’s a proven blueprint for making money of Twitter that works every time.

    I’m going to reveal the blueprint for you below, then I’ll show you how you can have this exact blueprint working for you completely automatically. Providing you with a 100% passive income for life.

    Here’s the blueprint

    The first step is to provide constant “pieces of value” that are highly targeted to your specific niche. These Tweets are pure content, they don’t try to sell anything, they just give value.

    Some great examples are inspiring quotes, motivational affirmations and interesting or funny memes.

    This step is vital to your success because these are the Tweets that your followers will love the most. They’ll get more likes and retweets than anything else that you share and they’ll help you to build a huge following.

    Next you Tweet the latest news updates and developments in your specific market. Your followers, and potential future followers, will see your valuable content and recognise you as the go to person for the very latest news.

    Now the important part.

    Monetise your account by sharing links to products and services that solve your followers most pressing problems.

    And that’s it!

    This blueprint is easy to scale because once you’ve set it up on one account, you can easily do it again on a completely new account that targets a different niche market.

    Obviously, for this blueprint to work, you need to be Tweeting regularly, ideally every hour or two. But that’s a lot of work and a huge drain on your time.

    Fortunately, there’s now a way to do all of this completely automatically. It’s a brand new system called Autotweets. To discover how Autotweets can work for you so that you can generate a completely passive income from Twitter, click on the link below.

    Have a great day,


    PS. You can use Autotweets on multiple Twitter accounts, allowing you to set up a completely passive income for each niche that you want to target. Each account takes just a couple of hours to set up and then everything runs on auto-pilot, providing you with multiple 100% passive income streams for life!

    Send YOUR AD to 1 Million!

    add a comment
  • The Arnold Schwarzenegger marketing

    I heard a great story about how Arnold
    Schwarzenegger could get any role in any
    movie he wanted back in his glory days.

    In fact he probably still could now to be

    He's not my favourite actor and not one of
    the greats in my humble opinion (although
    I wouldn't tell him that to his face!)

    But the fact was Arnie could simply TAKE
    any movie role he wanted and the studio
    heads would welcome him with open arms
    every time.

    If the director of the film disagreed he
    was told in no uncertain terms that if it
    was a choice between him and Arnold it
    would be the director who got dumped every

    No matter how famous or well-respected he

    You know why Arnold Schwarzenegger had
    such power?

    Because he knew how to PROMOTE a film like
    no other star.

    He could get coverage.

    He could get attention.

    He KNEW what to do.

    And that knowledge was power.

    Once Arnie realised he knew the secret, he
    never looked back

    One little thing that changed everything
    for him.

    Cool eh?



    P.S. Things don't have to be exciting to
    be deadly effective when it comes to
    making money online from the comfort of
    your kitchen table or spare bedroom...

    None of these methods will make you feel
    like a rockstar

    And you'll have to put some time aside to
    put them into place

    But they're functional.

    They're work horses...

    They do just one thing - they allow you to
    make money online, from home!

    These models are ones I've seen work time
    and time again for beginners and
    struggling marketers that I've worked with
    as a coach and observed as a marketer

    (And because there's a white label option
    it's a great one to offer to your readers

    P.P.S. If you’re going to change the world
    some day (but want to work on your own
    income FIRST)..

    Here's some business ideas you really
    CAN trust AND profit from.

    ..Here’s something that really CAN make a
    difference to your online income:

    P.P.P.S. If you'd rather forget dodgy
    substances in soup and think about
    something more profitable instead, read

    Here's just ONE of the reasons why having
    a good relationship with your readers is

    Because once you get a responsive list in
    place you can send out one single email
    and buy a CAR from the proceeds

    P.P.P.P.S. If YOU feel like today is finally the
    day to get your teeth into something

    ..Here’s something that really CAN make a
    difference to your online income:

    P.P.P.P.P.S. I always try to share the hottest and
    newest products on traffic generation,
    conversions and ninja strategies to
    further help you build your business.

    These recommendations will keep you in the
    loop of the trendiest methods that other
    top marketers are using right now in their
    own online business.

    So feel free to check out these daily
    products :)

    Send YOUR AD MESSAGE to 1 Million Targeted
    People Right Here! The Advertising Center

    Instant Profits Club - Free Access
    Free Money Making Membership You Can
    Simply GIVE AWAY With Built-In Commissions
    & Automated Income Completely Done For
    You! Just Grab Your Link and Start Giving
    Away Free Passes To This MMO Membership
    Club With MULTIPLE Ways To Earn!

    Start Your Very Own MoneyVine!

    Do You Want to Learn How to Make Money

    My Free Ecourse Will Teach You How to
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    Online Easily!

    Check it out here;

    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) ¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)

    add a comment
  • *** If You Are Stuck At Home, Try This! ***

    Do you think your income is safe?


    And I don't mean this CoronaVirus health
    scare that we are all forced to deal with.

    I mean the future of your Internet Online

    Most people have made the decision to work
    form home from now.

    Some have made it voluntarily, others by
    having it thrust on them.

    I was one!

    You may have been too! And we all know
    many who are in the same boat, no?

    You can go with the flow and move with the
    tide, supporting each other along the way!

    Or, you can swim against the flow, up
    stream, and try to survive in an
    ever-changing world,
    that has just become known to all of us!

    What chances do you think you have going
    it alone, and "upstream"?

    Forget it!

    Join the rest of us who have decided to
    work from home in a productive manner
    a very real, very known, and very accepted
    product - SILVER!

    Have you seen the financial pages lately?

    Check what has happened to the Dow. It is
    down more than 30% and we have not even
    gotten into the full
    exposure of this CoronaVirus thing!
    Personal portfolios are down to record
    lows, gold and silver prices
    are set to jump astronomically!

    Do you have faith in this government
    saving your job, your wealth, and your
    source of income?

    If so, then go onto reading the next email
    in your inbox as we cannot help you!

    But, if you are like the rest of us
    concerned about your job, assuming you
    still have one, your
    income, your wealth and your financial
    future, this then is definitely for you!

    Go here now and invest a few minutes to
    watch these three short videos on this
    program and how we can
    help you today, now, and tomorrow, as well
    as next week, next month, next year, and
    five years
    from now!

    I guarantee you this will be the most
    eye-opening and informative, no BULLSHI T
    information you will read
    today, tomorrow, and ever!!!

    Check it out, and see if you agree! If you
    do, then I invite you to join us
    immediately, and start on your
    journey to financial independence today!
    We will help you to get started and to
    grow. Why? because we cannot
    be successful, until we help you to get

    If you are not interested, then we wish
    you well and there are no hard feelings.

    Stay safe, keep well, and come back in a
    week, a month, or even next year to this
    same website,
    if you have not found something better to
    your liking, and see if you change your

    Why? Because silver will be here a year
    from now. This website will be here a year
    from now! And, we will
    be building our business a year from now!

    Can you say the same thing for your
    business that you may be promoting? Can
    you say the same thing for Trump
    in power? Can you say the same thing for
    your government, and your reliance on it
    to support you and your family?

    You can join us now, or you can join us
    later, but sooner or later you should join

    Here is where you should go, now:

    Join us, and we will help you to get up
    and operative, so we can build this
    business together!

    Let's accelerate our wealth together

    Again, go here:

    Yours, in success!

    Your Wealth-Ambassador-in-Waiting

    Send YOUR AD MESSAGE to 1 Million Targeted
    People Right Here! The Advertising Center


    Do You Want to Learn How to Make Money Online?

    My Free Ecourse Will Teach You How to Generate Residual
    Income Strweams Online Easily!

    Check it out here;

    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) ¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)

    add a comment
  • *** The Next 100 Days Will Determine Your Future!!! ***

    Think that is an exaggeration?


    And I don't mean this CoronaVirus health
    scare that we are all forced to deal with.

    I mean the future of your Internet Online

    Most people have made the decision to work
    form home from now.

    Some have made it voluntarily, others by
    having it thrust on them.

    I was one!

    You may have been too! And we all know
    many who are in the same boat, no?

    You can go with the flow and move with the
    tide, supporting each other along the way!

    Or, you can swim against the flow, up
    stream, and try to survive in an
    ever-changing world,
    that has just become known to all of us!

    What chances do you think you have going
    it alone, and "upstream"?

    Forget it!

    Join the rest of us who have decided to
    work from home in a productive manner
    a very real, very known, and very accepted
    product - SILVER!

    Have you seen the financial pages lately?

    Check what has happened to the Dow. It is
    down more than 30% and we have not even
    gotten into the full
    exposure of this CoronaVirus thing!
    Personal portfolios are down to record
    lows, gold and silver prices
    are set to jump astronomically!

    Do you have faith in this government
    saving your job, your wealth, and your
    source of income?

    If so, then go onto reading the next email
    in your inbox as we cannot help you!

    But, if you are like the rest of us
    concerned about your job, assuming you
    still have one, your
    income, your wealth and your financial
    future, this then is definitely for you!

    Go here now and invest a few minutes to
    watch these three short videos on this
    program and how we can help you today,
    now, and tomorrow, as well as next week,
    next month, next year, and five years
    from now!

    I guarantee you this will be the most
    eye-opening and informative, no BULLSHI T
    information you will read today, tomorrow,
    and ever!!!

    Check it out, and see if you agree! If you
    do, then I invite you to join us
    immediately, and start on your
    journey to financial independence today!
    We will help you to get started and to
    grow. Why? because we cannot
    be successful, until we help you to get

    If you are not interested, then we wish
    you well and there are no hard feelings.

    Stay safe, keep well, and come back in a
    week, a month, or even next year to this
    same website, if you have not found
    something better to your liking, and see
    if you change your mind!

    Why? Because silver will be here a year
    from now. This website will be here a year
    from now! And, we will
    be building our business a year from now!

    Can you say the same thing for your
    business that you may be promoting? Can
    you say the same thing for Trump
    in power? Can you say the same thing for
    your government, and your reliance on it
    to support you and your family?

    You can join us now, or you can join us
    later, but sooner or later you should join

    Here is where you should go, now:

    Join us, and we will help you to get up
    and operative, so we can build this
    business together!

    Let's accelerate our wealth together

    Again, go here:

    Yours, in success!

    Your Wealth-Ambassador-in-Waiting

    Send YOUR AD MESSAGE to 1 Million Targeted
    People Right Here! The Advertising Center


    Do You Want to Learn How to Make Money Online?

    My Free Ecourse Will Teach You How to Generate Residual
    Income Streams Online Easily!

    Check it out here;

    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) ¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)

    add a comment
  • How to Build a RESPONSIVE List that OPENS Your Emails

    If you want to build a BIG list and you don’t care whether or not anyone on that list ever opens or reads your emails, then do what most marketers do:

    Create a blind opt-in form that does NOT tell the new subscriber what they are receiving.

    They will instantly mistrust you, give you their throw away email address, glace through your lead magnet, throw that away, and never read one of your emails again.

    Hey, but at least you have a BIG list, right?

    Or you can make BIG promises that sound like every other shyster market out there. You know the kind of promises I mean: “Here’s How I Bank $10K per week Using One
    Surprisingly Weird Trick.” Yeah. Right.

    Again, they will give you their junk email address because they do not trust you. They will glance through the report (maybe) and then forget about it (certainty) and never open another email from you again.

    But at least you got lots and lots of subscribers, right?

    Question: If someone gives you a junk email address and never opens your emails, are they a subscriber? I don’t think so…

    The key to building a RESPONSIVE email list is to build TRUST before you ever ask for the email address.

    How do you build trust?

    There are several ways, but I’ll give you the two easiest ones right here:

    1: Create a long form opt-in page. Instead of having a little box with something that says, “Get the greatest report ever written!” and a space for their email address, take some time to tell them what they are getting and what it’s going to do for them.

    Talk about their problem, let them know you’ve got the solution, create a long list of super enticing bullets, and back the whole thing up with plenty of testimonials.

    This works even better if you have a memorable brand that makes you stand apart from the crowd.

    2: Give dynamite content BEFORE asking for the opt-in. This one is even better, yet most marketers are downright terrified to try it.

    Create several pages of your VERY BEST content. Make it conversational and interesting. Put plenty of PERSONALITY into it. In fact, your personality is going to count for more than the information you give. Make each page naturally flow into the next page, so they keep clicking from page to page as they read.

    Everybody gives out good or great info. You’re going to give out great info and do it in a way that let’s your personality shine through.

    Talk to the one person you are trying to reach. Be passionate and enthusiastic. State your opinions, have confidence, and tell it like it is.

    Each page is full of great info and naturally leads into the next page. Finally, on the last page, you make an offer. That’s right, go ahead and sell them something. You’ve just spent several pages earning their trust, so why not?

    If they don’t take the offer, ask if you can give them something for free in exchange for the email address.

    For example, you offer them a package deal of 4 products for an awesome price. If they don’t take it, then offer them one of the 4 products for FREE, in exchange for their email address.

    You have just spent several pages earning their trust, so which email address are they going to give you? Their REAL address, because they actually WANT to hear from you again!

    These two methods are so simple, and yet marketers are afraid to test them out because they know they will get fewer subscribers.

    But the QUALITY of the subscribers is infinitely better. You get REAL email addresses from people who actually WANT to hear from you.

    Test it out for yourself. I think you’ll be astonished at the difference it makes in your bottom line.

    Go here:


    add a comment
  • Mar 19th 2020 at 5:03 PM
    *** Your $5 Dollar Success Plan ***

    *** Your $5 Dollar Success Plan ***

    Your $5 Success Plan is designed to help you build a solid recurring online income with a ridiculously low start-up investment of only $5.

    Here is how it works.

    1. Begin by joining 1-1 Hits $5 Club. Sign up free through the link listed below,, log in, and then click the upgrade link to join the $5 Club.

    You will then earn $5.00 month after month for each person you refer who also joins the $5 Club. This pays INSTANTLY!

    2. Once you have earned $10 from the 1-1 Hits $5 Club, sign up for through this link,, and purchase the Pro Plus upgrade.

    From then on you will earn $6.00 monthly from any of your BuildABizOnline referrals who also upgrade to Pro Plus.

    The Pro Plus upgrade includes:
    • web hosting,
    • a splash page builder,
    • 2 banner builders,
    • an autoresponder,
    • link tracker/cloaker,
    and more.

    3. Use your earnings from the above to join Traffic Firepower Unleashed below from the following link,, and purchase the monthly Platinum upgrade for $10.

    From then on you will earn $5.00 monthly from your Traffic Firepower referrals who also upgrade to Platinum. This site will also build a list for you that you will be able to email with your offers directly from the Traffic Firepower member area.

    4. Finally join Buckets Of Banners through the link below,, and purchase the Club BoB upgrade for $10.

    You will then earn $5.00 recurring income from your referrals who also upgrade to the Club BoB option. Club BoB will get you lots of banner exposures for the above programs as well as a certain splash page that will earn you even more banner credits whenever it is displayed.

    This system is an ALL-INCLUSIVE business. By going through the steps above you will have fast traffic and an instant income earner (1-1 Hits);
    an autoresponder, splash maker, tracker and web hosting (BuildABizOnline); a unique viral traffic and list builder (Traffic Firepower Unleashed); and viral banner advertising (Buckets of Banners). The total for upgrades in all the steps above, and complete business is only $35 a month.

    And you will earn $21.00 month after month from every referral who follows you in this $5 Success Plan.

    Let's do some quick math…

    $21.00 Monthly => your total potential income per EACH of your referrals who follow the process above.

    What if you had only 10 active referrals, or 25… or even 50? I'm not making any promises you will get that many (that is up to you) but I do know that is a whole lot more each month than most MLMs or downline programs for that number of active referrals.

    Think about that, how many programs do you know that have the potential of $21 per active referral at the low cost to that person of only $35.00 a month? You will be IN PROFIT after your 2nd referral follows you in this Success Plan!

    You can start for only $5 and use your earnings from each program to upgrade in the next.


    Get started, now! And reap the benefits in a year as your residual income grows, your list expands, and your bank account balance starts to grow exponentially!


    Cloak all your links here and protect all your hard-earned Affiliate Commissions!

    Have a*´¨)
    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´ * Wonderful day! *


    Affiliate Training Also Right Here!

    .•*.•* .•*.•*%%%.•*.•*%%%.•*.•*.•*.•*%%%.•*.•* .•*

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  • Mar 10th 2020 at 6:22 PM
    A Billionaires Guide To Getting Rich

    A Billionaires Guide To Getting Rich

    A wise man once said " If you wish to know the road up the mountain, ask the person who goes back and forth on it."

    That ancient advice is sound and timeless.

    Can you profit from it?

    Are you following it in your online business?

    If you are like most others online, probably not.

    So, let me ask you...who's advice are you listening to and how is that working out?

    ** Your best friend who knows a guy
    ** Your postman
    ** Your hairstylist or next door neighbour
    ** Your jogging partner

    That list is endless.

    You feel exhilaration when starting a home based business and then the doomsayers and other dream stealers stomp all over your dreams.

    If you feel tempted to listen to their doom and gloom forecasts, ask yourself this question: have they been there and done what you want to do and where you want to go?

    Probably not.

    So whose advice should you listen to? Those who have done it, been there and are successful. In other words, those who have already climbed the mountain!

    One such man who has climbed that proverbial mountain and made a huge fortune in his life is J. Paul Getty, of Getty Oil fame.

    That is the same J. Paul Getty who also once said: "Give me 1% of the efforts of 100 men, rather than 100% of the efforts of myself."

    He is certainly an individual who knew the power of multiplied efforts and realized that the miniscule efforts of 100 men would vastly surpass the total efforts of just one man, no matter who that man was.

    In his autobiography Getty listed his ten rules for creating wealth.

    Do you know what his number one rule for getting rich and amassing wealth is?

    You MUST have your own business.

    Not one of his ten rules for getting rich was to "get a good job".

    Those same skills that you use to make money for your boss and make him rich could be used more creatively to make wealth for you.

    I am reminded of an old cartoon that drives this point home in a poignant manner.

    A father asked his son one day, "Son, wouldn't you like to someday be a professional football player and make all that money?"

    The little boy looks at his father and says, "Daddy, I'd rather be that guy who owns the entire football team and afford to pay the whole team."

    The next time you get excited, keep this little story in mind and remember the famous words of Benjamin Franklin who once said: "Keep Thy Shop and Thy Shop Will Keep Thee."

    Dare to dream big.

    Be your own boss.

    There is nothing that can make you achieve richness and wealth sooner and with more satisfaction.

    Ignore the dream stealers and the doomsayers.

    They can continue to cut hair, deliver mail, repair cars, or do anything else that their "job" demands of them.

    Heed the words of a billionaire who has climbed that mountain, built that dream, amassed that fortune, and left a legacy that few others could match.

    The plan for success was written long ago and is available for you to follow.

    All you have to do is understand what to do and how to do it.

    Now go and write your own story.

    The world is waiting.



    Traffic Generating E-Course!

    My E-Course on Making Money With Affilaite Programs!

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  • What's Your Time Worth? [$47.35 an hour]

    The best piece of advice I ever heard was to calculate how much your own time is worth.

    Here's what you do ...

    Work out the income level you are looking to achieve over a certain time period, eg. one month.

    Work out how many hours work you would do in that same time period.

    For example, there are about 22 working days on average per month, let's say 8 hours actual work in the average day, presuming you're the productive

    That's 176 productive working hours in the average month.

    Let's say you're wanting to achieve a yearly income of $100,000.

    Divide that by 12 to get a monthly income, and you get $8,333 per month.

    Now we find out what your time is worth, per hour, for you to achieve your income goal:
    $8,333 / 176 hours = $47.35 per hour

    If you want a different yearly income, just change the numbers above.

    To reach your income goal, you need to work towards delegating everything for cheaper than it costs you to do it yourself.

    So if someone can do something for $20 per hour that you usually do yourself, continuing to do it yourself is preventing you from reaching your income

    It keeps you in a certain income bracket and won't let you leave.

    But as soon as you delegate that work to someone else, you break out your bracket and get one step closer to your income goal -- you're now
    recognizing what your time is worth, your time can be spent more effectively, and your goal becomes closer within reach.

    Do you see how simple it is?

    One thing I don't understand is why some business owners continue writing all their own content, when there are professional writers out there who
    will do a much better job and will do it for much less than what the business owner's own time is worth.

    (No offence if you really are a natural born writer! But you're the exception - few business owners are ... but even if you are, is it really what you
    should be doing?)

    So isn't it time you take a step closer to your own income goals, and 'break out your bracket'?

    Delegating content is one of the easiest things to delegate ... it's far harder for example delegating programming work (I should know, I've done it
    for years!)

    Want to make what you are worth?

    Go here now:-

    Make your business work for you!


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  • Affiliate Marketing Is Easier Than Ever...Let Me Show You How


    "Build your list!"

    "Use social media!"

    "Content is king!"

    These pieces of advice hold a lot of truth.
    However the problem isn't 'hearing what do
    to'...It's actually putting it into practice.

    For many...That means paying huge sums of money
    for products and services that promise the world,
    yet fail to deliver the goods!

    10 years ago, this program started out with one

    “Educate as many people as possible about
    affiliate marketing and let them have fun while
    doing so!”

    And it worked....

    200,000 members later, hundreds of thousands in
    commissions paid, and a thriving community of
    action takers has made ClickTrackProfit the
    perfect solution for your affiliate marketing


    No hype...

    No false promises...

    Just results! And a unique way of teaching you HOW
    to do things, WHY you are doing them and WHERE to
    meet the best marketers online.

    Don't wait another 10 years to join. ...Get
    ready to take your affiliate marketing to another
    level with this legendary marketing hub...

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  • Feb 29th 2020 at 10:33 PM
    The one thing you Absolutely MUST do...

    The one thing you Absolutely MUST do...

    Do you really want to be successful?

    Then you'll do what I'm about to tell you to do.

    Tell people about your goals.

    Get a big megaphone, and tell the world.

    This will do two things.

    1. It will push away anyone who may be negative.

    The LAST thing you want is to have a negative conversation with someone
    and turn out to be a you know what...

    ... A BIG LOSER!

    Ever hear of the old saying:

    "Misery loves company."

    That's where it comes from.

    It is contagious, but you can't let it get to you.

    2. Telling people your goals will hold you accountable to make them happen.

    Trust me, it's no fun to be the laughing stock after you've decided to give up on your goals.

    Plus, you don't want to get in the habit of giving up.

    When you start, it's difficult to stop.

    Let's make a pact, right now.

    Promise me right now that you'll work your butt off to achieve your goal.



    Now, check this out.

    This will put us on the fast track to getting this done...


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