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Stevica Vemic

Country: RS

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Behind us are twenty years of education, research, studies, training and continuous upgrading of existing knowledge and skills in jobs that include IT business, financial investments, market research, networking with numerous people, marketing and internet business in general, along with many other tasks, which resulted in the establishment of companies and an unique business offer with which we want to present ourselves to the "grand entrance" that is you, our future business associates.

SFT21 Business Concept

The online Franchise business model is ingenious in its simplicity and functionality, and it's intended for those who want to start their own internet business..

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Business Ecosystem




PowerPoint Presentation


SAAW Account






Best motivation for ever


InFace Invest Group LTD - a company dedicated to your success!


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Seven digit business Concept



Hello World


Iza nas je dvadesetak godina edukacije, istraživanja, proučavanja, usavršavanja i stalnog nadograđivanja postojećeg znanja i veština u poslovima koji uključuju IT poslovanje, financijska ulaganja, istraživanja tržišta, mrežne odnose većeg broja ljudi, marketing i internet poslovanje u opšte, uz mnoge druge poslove, što je rezultiralo osnivanjem kompanije i jedinstvenom poslovnom ponudom sa kojom se na "velika vrata" želimo predstaviti Vama, našim budućim poslovnim saradnicima.

SFT21 Business Concept

Franšizni online poslovni model genijalan u svojoj jednostavnosti i funkcionalnosti namenjen je svima koji žele pokrenuti svoje vlastito Internet poslovanje.

Zbog toga Vas pozivamo da nam se pridružite



Objašnjenje Sistema


Poslovni Ekosistem (Osnove)


Poslovni Ekosistem (Komplet)




PowerPoint Prezentacije


SAAW Nalog






InFace Invest Group D.O.O. 

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