Marcy Joseph
Trinidad and Tobago
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Marcy (LadyM) is a member of the PuppyPower team

  • Marcy's Blog

  • Mar 6th 2023 at 12:44 PM
    Leads for your list!

    The gurus say that the money is in the list! Then the list needs to always grow! Here is an opportunity to grow your list without cost and time, this project is exploding! Get in now!

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  • Hi
    I am Marcy Joseph from the twin island state of Trinidad and Tobago in the West Indies, the mother of a little lovely princess and blessed with a supportive and loving husband. I enjoy helping people with the various very special moments in life using my networking, event planning and management skills. Freelance broadcasting and desktop publishing are among my many joys as well.

    Ice cream and fruits are perhaps my favourite foods while reading, writing, cooking and solving puzzles are perhaps my preferred hobbies or pass time.

    My choice of avatar stems back to childhood memories of parakeets flying overhead in our little valley as they headed back to the forest on evenings just before sunset. Living on an island gives one a tremendous privilege and joy of experiencing nature, the sunrise and the sunsets, but not always do the inhabitants take time to appreciate it and if not careful, it can be easily overlooked.

    Almost ten years ago I was introduced to internet marketing but I have been involved in network marketing for about seventeen years. As with anyone in this kind of business you win some and you lose some, earnings though one always hopes will out way the losses.

    Where do we go from here is a question for the past year and a half I have been trying to answer. What is the solution to the inability to meet someone freely especially during this pandemic? After the pandemic will we be able to just go back to how we were before? Are we going to be comfortable with the reflex hand shake again? Or even face to face meetings? Can we have lunch meetings to plan events without worrying of infecting someone or being infected? The answers to these questions are really to be had only with time. We just have to wait and see what happens when we try to go on with life without a mask on one's face.

    The answer now is to live with the COVID-19 pandemic and adjust all of life as we have been to virtual meetings. Will this continue after? Or will we have to readjust again? How soon can it happen? No one knows.

    In light of this uncertainty my company has changed its direction in its way of reaching clients, perhaps it may be for the better as we can now widen our network and this is where I invite you to join me and help me help you with your very special moments in life from a simple bar-b-que event to the development of your small business. We will help you with all aspects of your event, small or large, virtual or in person. We can guide you to vendors that can supply all your needs and we will even shop for that special or hard to find gift for your guests or your host, depending on which you are for the event.

    Looking forward to working with you. All the best and continue to stay safe.

    Your friend and network colleague,
    Marcy Joseph

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Leads for your list!
Mar 6th 2023 at 12:44 PM
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