Gordon Kellison
Chesterfield, Virginia
Gordon's Interests
I really enjoy working online and connecting with like minded peeps to learn and help one another.

Outside working online I like to fish, spend time with family and spend time outdoors.

I also work a full time job that I really enjoy doing.
Gordon's Team
Gordon is not in a team

  • Gordon's Blog

  • Apr 9th 2022 at 5:58 PM
    Getting Started Online

    I have been working online for about 5 years and have made a little here and there and all did was jump from one exciting program to another.

    But recently I started to slow down and stop jumping around and take the time to actual understand what I am doing.

    I found a group on here Hungry For Hits and is really helping me understand what to do and to do it with Free sites like this one

    And this group is https://www.facebook.com/groups/RocktheBizOpsTeam

    Steven Anthony and co admin Susan McCook as well as others in group are true RockStars

    I am truly Grateful for them and Thank you

    I can't leave out Ellie Murphy and her group on Facebook as she is a huge help as well with a lot of great ways to make money online with Free sites. she got me working on Timebucks- https://timebucks.com/?refID=221151127 and I am using this free site to pay for my one paid site

    Thank you Ellie

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Gordon's RSS Feed
Getting Started Online
Apr 9th 2022 at 5:58 PM
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