Clive Anderson
United Kingdom
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Online? Internet Marketing

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I live in the United Kingdom, happily married to Nicole. Live in a great area of UK with all the general run of the mill stuff that goes towards enjoying a great life...

Been working online now for over two decades, mainly in affiliate marketing and helping people to build teams and earn a passive income.'s what I'm involved in online!
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  • Clive's Blog

  • Mar 5th 2023 at 6:36 AM
    [LeadsLeap] EXPOSED!!.

    There are several online systems that project themselves as a complete online business building system and some are certainly of benefit.

    However, what is a true online business building system, or all in one system and where does LeadsLeap fit into that line up?

    I guess we all have different outlooks when it comes to our project objectives that we are working with online, but fundamentally securing every element that makes the entire process easier and our actions far-more effective is probably key for all of us that are looking to gain a successful outcome.

    That's pretty much where LeadsLeap comes into play. I could sit here and type all the individual benefits that someone will experience and gain from LeadsLeap, but from my aspect that would become a book and not a review.

    Upon initial entry into the LeadsLeap back office the business facilities and tools tabs on the left are in a format that is easily understood. Looking further into those tabs it is discovered that the ability and application of each section is extensive, but again easily understood thanks to the tutorial facility at the top right of every section.

    There is also an up-to-date blog section created by the owner (also accessible via the back office) that not only outlines the capabilities of each facility it also goes into depth on how to gain the most from the features.

    If you want Leads, Sales, Mass Promotion, Marketing and Income then LeadsLeap has got your back.

    Some of the marketing tools alone are worth an extensive subscription, but LeadsLeap provides them all for free, and if you want to put things on autopilot then for a small monthly fee you can go Pro.

    Either way you will indirectly earn income in 5 ways just by using the system, that's on top of ANYTHING else you do with the system.

    They've been online since 2008, which clearly demonstrates long-term success as well as stability, and even with updates that have been added and included in the last few months the demonstration for members to succeed is clearly the main focus.


    Create your own web, splash, lead-capture pages using easy to set-up templates that give any business/opportunity that professional look.
    Gain massive exposure across the internet on multiple sites that you have nothing to do with. All from the comfort of LeadsLeap back office...
    Build your very own large list without any huge domain or autoresponder costs.
    Everything you'll ever need to build any business right at your fingertips.
    If your goal is to earn a regular income online, there really is no better program to depend on.
    Totally secure and member orientated. Will be here for many years to come...

    An opportunity to excel in all that you do online and earn additional income while doing it. A truly great opportunity for anyone serious about generating a long-term high income online.

    Oh, and one thing I've failed to go into is that even if you want to refer LeadsLeap to others (for which there are extensive promotional tools to do so) you will, as a Pro member receive 50% commission, and as a free member 25% commission every month.

    Pro members also gain many more extras including free downline followers and with referrals they get paid 5 levels deep.

    A great way in itself to gain yet another ongoing, on growing income, and with 171+ thousand current members the desire for people looking for results and to become a member of LeadsLeap is clear.

    As with a lot of reviews the reader could be forgiven for thinking the writer is bound to state a positive in regard to the subject being discussed, and while this may be true in many instances that is certainly not the case here. I've always believed that the facts are the facts and they cannot be glorified if what is being said does not hold true.

    In this review I've tried to create what is a realistic picture of the subject in question, but in all honesty on this occasion I feel I have probably understated a lot of the aspects, especially when it comes to the quality of all that LeadsLeap incorporates and provides for its members.

    Check out the LeadsLeap System here!

    Clive Anderson
    Still not sure? Why not read my FULL LeadsLeap review here!

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The 10 Dollar Miracle Is Very REAL!!
Nov 1st 2023 at 2:30 PM
[LeadsLeap] EXPOSED!!.
Mar 5th 2023 at 6:36 AM
Solving The List Building Headache..
Nov 28th 2022 at 12:20 PM
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