Marty Petrizza of such traffic hits as Viral Traffic Games, Referral Frenzy, and around a dozen other well-known mailers and surfs has just opened the doors on Website Traffic Rewards and I think she has gone insane on the pricing.
Free members in this exchange get dime in the piggy bank for every day they log on, that's $3 a month to spend on ads and upgrades. If you become a paid member the reward doubles. You can send ads as a paid member without using credits or use credits to increase the number of guaranteed visitors with each ad run.
Get this. Right now a Gold Upgrade, the membership I took is just $9 a month or $77 a year and pays 50% commissions. That means I refer 2 Gold members and my own membership is free for up to a year. That means all my ad results and any other referrals are just gravy.
This is one of 2 memberships I purchased today to feed the Mailer on Fire Platinum Members Random Referrals Rotator. The other was with my old friend Jerry Innuci at Mr. Safelist. Both sites are now in out downline builder at:
You can sign up at Marty's new mailer by clicking the link below:
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