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Account Settings

You can add and edit your personal details on the Account Settings page under the Account menu. Make sure your details are correct. If you need to edit any information regarding your account, just replace the old information with your new details and click "Update" at the bottom of the page.

You don't need to have access to your old email address if you chose to enter a new one, and can change your username and password as often as you like. Never reuse an old password or use the same password as anywhere else. If you have too many passwords to remember a different one for each site, use a password manager like LastPass. Then you just need to remember one main password, then you can auto-login to all your membership sites.

The bottom half of the Account Settings page is for Payout details and also birthday information for a little surprise. If you want to add or change any payout details, send us a mail with the address you want to add. You can add as many (or few) of the payout option addresses you want. When you select a "Payment Type" in the dropdown menu, that is the one where any commissions will be sent to.

But remember, if you select something in the "Payment Type" dropdown list, you must have submitted your information for that specific payment type or we won't know where to send your money. You can set the Payment type to "NONE" if you want to hold commissions in your account.

Below the update button at the end of the page, there is a "View login history" button. If you click there, you can see your login history with IP address the last month. If you are worried someone else has access to your account, change your password immediately.

Related articles:

Add payout information
Change username, email or password
Lost password
Profile picture
Unverified account
Delete account
Unsubscribe from email

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