Patrick Simpson
Patrick's Interests
I love Playing guitar and marketing. I like to code and create ads, surfing and connecting with others whom love to market their programs and businesses. I have a site Called Bi-Polar Marketing that is a blog. I have site I am developing and hope to launch in Jan.2019
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  • Patrick's Blog

  • Feb 13th 2019 at 12:08 PM
    What a week it's been!!

    Bi-Polar Marketing On Hungry 4 Hits Banner

    Lifetime Hosting Sucks!!!!

    Hello everyone!! I hope your week is going great!!

    I have spent the last week trying to get Bi-Polar Marketing Back Up, all while working on my new sites trying to get them where they need to be so I can Launch them.

    On 2-8, some ass hat of a marketer/hacker was able to get into my server and upload a couple of files. They were phishing programs. Not good at all.

    I host BPM on Lifetime hosting. I got it back in 2017 through a site owner that is no longer around, John Novak.

    Well, long story short BPM was being protected by a plug-in that Lifetime recommends(Loginizer) when I got hacked. Rather then let me know of the problem without shutting down all access to my site, Lifetime suspended my BPM, including cpanel access!!

    I only found out when I tried to log-in to BPM and it came up as suspended please contact webmaster. So I tried to log into cpanel to see what is going access. I then check my emails and log into my customer portal for Lifetime.

    There is an e-mail and a message saying that they suspended me for having phishing content and that I need to correct the issue, but yet they removed all access allowing me to do so!!!! They were no longer even showing my hosting plan period!!

    BPM is back up now and is being monitored daily by Site Scanners and will continue to be. I have also changed security/firewall providers altogether.

    I highly do not recommend Lifetime Hosting!!!!

    In the 2yrs that I have had my site running on Lifetime Hosting I have been hacked 5 times, I have had to wipe out my servers and start fresh 3 times and at least once every 5-6 weeks I have to contact support because my servers ans data base are down having memory issues, storage issues..etc

    Keep in mind this hosting package is a 4gb/up to 4 domain package. I have 2 domains, and 3 sub-domains there.

    I am not new at this, I have A2 Hosting for my sites I am working on and plan to launch, no 1 issue in a yr ever!! I have had Fatcow, Bluehost,Go daddy and Host Gator in the past.
    Only ever had 1 issue, When I had a site with Host Gator kinda the same thing happened. Host Gator though handled it a better way.

    Host Gator contacted me and let me know that

    1. My security failed

    2. They gave me the exact link that was the issue.

    3. They gave me 48hrs to take care of the issue.

    4. They offered to help!!

    Lifetime Hosting offered nothing, no support(which they advertise is always available)!!I got slow customer service response(took me 3 days to just get a response with the exact issue, and they still said fix it but would not let me in!!) And right now as I am writing this post, there is a message on my dash board of my Lifetime hosting that is telling me that they have block my cpanel access due to to many log-in failures on a completely different server from the one I am assigned. I have been seeing that for weeks off and on and Yes I have let them know repeatedly with screenshots included in the support tickets that they answer usually 36+ hours later these days.

    When I go to log in to my cpanel it always gives me a warning box stating that their certificate does not match and ask me if I want to trust it anyway.....again I have made them aware of that issue and vulnerability as well....after all it's an issue on their end, plus they advertise 24/7 tech support!!(I do not believe they have any by the way, JS!!)

    Any Ways I wanted to let ya all know that Bi-Polar Marketing is back up and is safe and is being monitored daily off site as well as on. I am going to be moving it one I get 1 issue taken care of.

    BPM has been Blacklisted by McAfee, I am currently waiting on them to review and let me know if there is anything else I need to do.

    Once they have removed BPM from their blacklist I am going to move it to either namecheap or A2 Hosting( those are the 2 places I prefer), If I can't move them there or some place else then...I am going to work my butt of and recreate BPM as a different domain using a different domain extension such as .xyz or .net or even .com(A2 does have it available for 20 bucks a year with SSL for e-commerce!!).

    I have done it before, don't want to but I am done with Lifehosting!!!.

    Below is a screen shot of my results after clean-up. I am waiting on a response from McAfee but BPM is clean and protected. Whether it will be up or not when you visit that is a different story!!
    scan results for BPM
    Peace and Love To Yas!!! Please Know That I want Your visit to be safe and enjoyable....that is why I am letting you know what has happened and that is why I will be moving it to a different host as soon as possible!!

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What a week it's been!!
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