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Using HTML in the page creator

When you create a page, you can also work directly with CSS and HTML to create intricate designs and very advanced pages, if you are familiar with it. Click the "Source" button at the far right in the top tools row. However, and this is very important, you must save a copy of your work locally in a text file or email before you click the Submit button to save, or before you switch back to Editor mode (by clicking the Source button again).

Once you switch between the regular Editor mode and Source mode, or when you save, you will not be able to see all of the CSS and HTML when you return to the Source mode, even if it all appears on your actual profile page. That is why you need a copy of your own, so that you can easily paste it if you want to update something.

It is a good idea to use an HTML editor to create your design before pasting it into the Page Creator. You can example use this real time CSS/HTML editor.

Related articles:

Page Creator info
Adding an image in the page creator
Adding a link from an image in the page creator
How to edit text in the page creator
Adding a link in the page creator

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