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Food icon collection

Each time you claim a letter in the Word Hunt game on prize pages in surf, you will also find food icons. There are 10 icons in each category, and there are 15 categories. When you've completed one category, you will win a prize of $0.03 cash.

It is possible that you find an icon that you've already claimed once, they appear randomly. Sometimes you even have the same ones many times, before you complete a set. This is because 75% of the icons found may be repeated on the site as a whole. The different icons always appear randomly, so you might feel very lucky one day but the total opposite another day. This means that you won't always find the same amount of icons in the same amount of pages surfed every day, it is random for all member levels. And it also means that one time you may only need to click the claim page 10 times to find all the 10 different icons in a set, but another time you may have to click it 30 times to find the full set of 10.

The Food Collection game is shown the first 2000 pages you surf each day, so if you surf more than 2000 pages and click the claim link on the Word hunt prize page, you will only claim a letter and not an icon. The game resets every week on Monday. You can view your collection on the Food collection page under the Rewards menu. Once you have completed a category, you will automatically start gathering the next set. If you want to gather another icon category, just chose it in the dropdown list on the Food Collection page and click "Update".

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