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Secret ads

There are secret ads in rotation in surf (when you view ads) at all times in Hungry For Hits. They may either hint you should click them, or they may say something about the site's food theme or the owner, Klara. These ads don't advertise anything, and you would never see them in any other traffic exchange.

If you see one that looks like it doesn't really fit in with advertising, click it. If you have found one of the secret ads, you will get a pop up saying you've won a prize and what you have won. Prizes vary from banners and text ads to credits and even cash, and can be claimed twice every day. Prizes for finding these ads will be added to your account instantly and automatically.

There is also a secret promo code. If you find a word in the Word Hunt game which doesn't seem to be a real word, you can enter it on the Promo Codes page for a special prize! When you find one of these codes, you must remove the spaces in it before you add it as a promo code (if you copy it directly from the prize page). This code changes weekly on Mondays, usually between 2 and 4 am server time.

Any promo codes or secret ads you find that requires not only surfing the required amount, but also paying attention, are not to be shared with anyone else. These prizes are for you only. Anyone paying attention can get them, and anyone who doesn't pay enough attention should not have them.

Related articles:

Promo codes
Word hunt

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