Frederick Miller
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  • Frederick's Blog

  • What is Coop?

    Mousumi Traffic coop is an advertising central. Members add their websites to the Coop, and advertise a special link to earn Coop credits.
    The Coop link is different from a regular referral link. You can find your Coop link at the top of the home page and also at the bottom of this page. When you advertise your Coop link, people will see a random ad inside and also Mousumi Traffic's Coop frame, but they won't be seeing your ad in it. Each time the link is viewed, it would display a different ad. You wouldn't be seeing your own ads in your link, and this is how your ads will be distributed in all traffic exchanges - from other people and website owners advertising their own Coop links in other sites.
    Coop are great because you can surf just one or a few traffic exchanges that you like, and through the Coop get hits from thousands of other sites. When you advertise your Coop link you will earn Coop credits. When you assign the credits you have earned, your websites will display in other people's Coop links on thousands of traffic exchanges, mailers etc. 
    When you log in, click "My Co-op Sites" in the main menu up. Add the websites that you want to advertise in the coop, sites that you are normally advertising. You can also set how many hits you want for each of your sites per hour, if you want to spread out the traffic delivery. When you have added a site, it will be manually approved by me, usually within a day. 
    Here is  Your Coop URL:
    You can also find it on the top of the "My Co-op Sites" page, and also on top of the home page.

    Here Are Some Other Great Coop Sites:) Click Banner To Take You Home:)

    The Downliner - The Ultimate Cooperative

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