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Add a banner

Banners are displayed in surf, in the top surfbar on the right side of the screen, and on various pages in the member area in Hungry For Hits. In this article, we will explain how you add banners that your want to advertise in Hungry For Hits, and how to assign banner ad impressions (banner views) to them. Free members can add 5 banners, Silver members can add 15 banners, Gold members can add 25 banners and Super advertisers have unlimited advertising to 25 banners. To add a banner, follow these simple steps:

1. Click the Banners page under Advertising - My Ads.
2. In the "Image URL" field, put the image url of the banner you want to advertise, a 468x60 picture link. Right click the image of the banner you want to advertise, and copy the image url for this. All links must use HTTPS.
3. In the "Target URL" field, fill in where you want visitors to go when they click your banner, most likely a referral link.
4. Click "Add banner".

If the banner isn't visible on the page after you have added it, no one else would see it either and there is most likely some sort of error with it. First, copy the picture url you added and open it in a new window to see if it is displaying a picture - it should. Most commonly, the picture link is not correct, or the ref link and picture link should switch places.

To have your banner display, you must assign banner ad impressions to it. Add the number of banner ad impressions you want to give your banner in the "Add impressions" column, and click "Assign". You can see how many banner ad impressions you have at the top of the page and by the Assign button.

We also have an automatic assign feature for banners that takes a number of unassigned banner ad impressions every hour and assign them to your banner. To set up automatic assign, click the "Per hour" link in the "Auto assign" field next to your banner and select how many impressions you want to assign to your banner each hour.

You can also convert website credits gathered in surf to banner ad impressions. There is a link on the top of the page to do so, by your impression balance, that says Click here to convert credits to banner ad impressions. You will get 10 banner impressions per 1 credit. It's not possible to convert banner impressions back to website credits. You can also use the "Quick assign" feature on top of the page to distribute a certain amount of banner ad impressions equally to all your active banner ads.

Banner advertising is a "cheaper" way to advertise in surf. You can earn banner ad impressions as prizes while viewing ads, surfing, and in daily promo codes.

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Add a square banner
Add a website
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Auto assign
Transfer credits
Ad spotlight

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