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Creating a blog post

To create a blog post, click the "Add new" link on top of your blog page, right below your Activity feed. Enter a title for your blog, and write the post in the "content" field. You can post links or add images to your blog post as well.

When you write a blog post, the people who you have become friends with will get a notification about it, and all Hungry For Hits members can comment on it. All members can also search for and find your post. When someone who isn't logged in to Hungry For Hits sees the page with your blog post, there is a link to log in or sign up in the top bar. Write about yourself, your interests, things that you market, advice, funny stories, great recipes, quotes, things that makes people react, things that makes you sad.

You can write your posts in plain text, but you could also add HTML and CSS to them if you want to decorate the text or make certain things stand out. However, some basic functions will automatically convert to HTML, like using the Enter key to make a line break. Any link you write in plain text will automatically create a clickable hyperlink.

Once you are done writing your post, click the "Add" button and the blog post will be published. You can edit a post you've written at any time. There is an "Edit" button, only visible to you, below each of your blog posts. There is also a "Delete" button if you wish to permanently delete the post, and a button with a pin icon. If you click the pin button next to one of your blog posts, that blog post will be pinned on top of your page even if you've written other posts after that one. Finally, there is a button that displays any comments you have gotten on your blog post.

Related articles:

Blog backgrounds
Adding an image to your blog post
Blog activity feed
Network friends and contacts
Network interests and location
RSS feed
Promoting your blog

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