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Blog activity feed

When you are logged in to Hungry For Hits, you will see your own Activity feed from your friends on top of the social network and blog page. Only you will see it. So when you promote your blog, either the entire blog or just a single post, the Activity feed will not be there and your posts will be on top of the page.

The Activity feed will show a notification if there is a new post from people you have connected with as friends, and it will also show you a notification if anyone has commented on your blog. If one of your friends has written a new post, there is a link to that post. If someone has commented on one of your own posts, there is a comment link in the Activity feed that will take you to the post where the new comment is.

Related articles:

Creating a blog post
Adding an image to your blog post
Blog backgrounds
Network friends and contacts
Network interests and location
RSS feed
Promoting your blog

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