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Team surfing

Hungry For Hits offers Team surfing, which is a weekly surfing and social event. A team is simply a group made up of active Hungry For Hits members, seeking to network with one another and gain bigger rewards based on their overall activity.

To join a team, you can either accept an invitation from a Head Chef (team captain) or you can send an application. If you got an invitation, you can read and accept or reject it in your Private messages. If you want to apply for a team, first go to the Team Surfing page under the "Games" menu. Click the "Team list" tab to view the existing teams.

In the column where it says "Join", simply click "Apply" once you have found a team you are interested in and that has free slots in it. There will only be a link to apply if the team has free slots in it. When you click there, a private message template will open with the Head chef as a recipient. It is often a good idea to tell them how much you usually surf. It is up to the Head Chef to accept or deny your request. Every member can only belong to one team.

The team contest runs from Monday morning until midnight on Sunday. Hungry For Hits resets at midnight EST (New York, USA). Upgraded members (Gold, Silver members and Super Advertisers, not short boost upgrades) have the option to start and maintain a team. To create one, simply click the "Start a team" tab on the Team Surfing page under the "Games" menu.

Give your team a name and a short slogan, then browse the "Kitchen staff" list and invite members of your choice to your team. If you ever want to change your team's slogan, just contact support with your team name and the new slogan. Each team can also have a team forum, where you can post information, results and additional rewards.

There can be up to 10 members in each team, and for every 25 pages surfed (prize pages, incorrect clicks and startpages don't count), each member will get 1 activity points. Every active team member in every team will earn bonus credits at the end of the week, the amount depends on the teams total activity points. The top 5 teams also win an additional prize, which will be added to their account weekly

If you are a Head chef (team captain) and you leave your team, the entire team will be disbanded. If you want to transfer leadership to someone else, first make an agreement with them. Then contact support with the information about the new team captain, and we will make the transfer of leadership. If you are a Head chef and your upgrade expires, you will no longer be able to add or remove members to your team. Only upgraded members have the ability to manage teams.

On occasion there will be an extra bonus for teams called Team Jackpot. If it is active, you will see a grey box in the bottom right corner of the surf window, the Team Jackpot. If you are in a team, you will not only collect activity points, but also Jackpot letters as you surf. They don't appear on any page in surf, just in the little grey info box. You can also see a quick notification in the box when another member of your team is getting a letter, and when a team wins there will be a notification saying which team won. It will also immediately start a new Jackpot game.

The goal is to collect all the letters, forming the word "Jackpot". When your team has got all the letters, the prize will be instantly added to each team members account. It is divided by all the team members, so if the prize is 5000 credits and there are 10 members in your team, each will get 500 credits. Please note that the jackpot is only available on a few random occasions.

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